Tuesday, October 30, 2012


My favorite 2 year old in the whole universe... what a spunky-monkey. When I describe my sweet boo-boo, Jetty-boo, monkey butt, Jet, guy, I feel a mixture of total exhaustion and utter adoration. He is wild, no doubt. Crazy, reckless and terrifying but at the same time he is so sweet and tender with endless kisses and I wuv you's. He is passionate and intelligent, I can tell he will be academic and bright with a temper and wild moods. I have a gal come clean once a week and he literally follows her around for hours saying "You wuv me? I wuv you so much, I wuv you," needless to say, she adores him as well. He is nothing but doting to Audgy (pronounced Odd-jee) often climbing into her crib and laying sweetly next to her telling her stories. His very favorite things right now include: Finding Nemo and Veggie tales: Lord of the Beans, or as he says, Me-mo and War da Beans, foffles(waffles), doaggies, and jumping onto, or off of, everything. He goes to Maddox for comfort and hugs and just cries into his chest which is so incredibly endearing. Are they awful to each other? Yes. But they also run to each other cheerfully yelling the other's name saying, "I missed you!" after an hour apart at church. They will certainly despise each other at times but I know they will be such incredible friends for their whole lives.

We celebrated Jetty's Birthday in Montana, along with Maddox and Papa Scott's. Then, on the day of his actual birthday we had special cupcake breakfast, presents and general fun. To celebrate turning Two, we took his binky away :) He has been sober since September 17. He has also decided that sitting in his own poo is disgusting and has chosen to start using the toilet. Two is AWESOME! We really are enjoying this time and what incredible people our kids are turning into.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Birthday post delay

Mama Marcia. I got all settled in to blog about my sweet Jetty, and wouldn't you know the USB ports on my laptop have pooped out on me, making it impossible to download the good pictures to my computer. While I could tell you the story and edify my baby boy, it just isn't the same without pictures. So you'll have to wait! Sorry, LOVE YOU :) To keep your mind occupied until then, here are some cute pictures from the other camera that doesn't require USB connectivity.

They are good buddies, with long hair!

What a good helper, dangling from the stroller...

Last weekend at Silverwood, we wore them out good :)

They deserve this(me posting the absolute worst shot) for being so difficult.

Backwards with an inside out mask, the independent stage has begun, so has the nude stage. He keeps popping up naked after I have clearly dressed him for the day.

She likes to cuddle, and sucks her thumb...whose kid is this?

The one antlered buck. One of a bagillion deer that hangs in our yard. They like to rest by our big pine that is also home to a gaggle of quail, funny little birds.

Who has discovered her pretty little self? This girl, that's who!

Family fun night, cuddling, munching on some "poocoo", and inevitably a wrestling match.

Couldn't find Mad one morning, he had let himself out of the house and was fishing. Jetty joined him after the reprimand.

Amazing what fun a heat register can provide...haha!

The neighbors took us out on their boat. It was great fun!
I threw one shot of me in there, just to prove that I'm still here. We take a lot of pictures with our phones and they are poor quality and unflattering...so I won't share those. As is our style, we are very busy, always going, going, going. We DO spend good stretches of time at home, the kids have a routine and are great sleepers/nappers. Maddox continues to ask for his cousins and older girls from Billings. His buddy next door is moving to Colorado so we are hoping when it rents, the family is younger with kids. Most of the families on our street have teens and while Maddox is cool with that, teens prefer to hang with other teens, not 4 year olds. Audrey crawls, pulls herself to sitting and claps on command, she also has a funny tongue and likes to spit. Life is GOOD.