~~End rant~~
On to lovely things then. Audrey sleeps minimum of 12 hours at night, takes two nice naps during the day and is always happy. Except when she's not. Mostly, she only cries when hungry, poopy or needing to poopy, I'll take that! She is not quite sitting on her own, not terribly interested in rice cereal, and rolls over constantly (making it unsafe to leave her on an elevated surface). She chooses to sleep on her tummy and upon being laid in her crib, rolls over, sticks her thumb in her mouth and draws her fuzzy blanket right up to her nose.
Just waking up
Jetty is getting more verbal and is finding a use for words. He also screams. A lot. His defense mechanism for dealing with Maddox is to just scream, hoping to either thwart him, or get him in trouble. Usually it only serves to get himself a swat and reprimand. I am not cool with screaming. Jetty l.o.v.e.s. to dance, he is forever cracking us up with his moves and hand jives. He digs roller coasters and throws his hands in the air while riding them. He also does this sometimes when daddy drives too fast! What a corker.
Enjoying Lake Coeur d'Alene
Maddox is a watermelon eating machine. He asks several times each week if we can go to: church, rolling ball (skee ball), school, and his cousin's house. He loves to torment Jetty and is quite skilled. When not tormenting him, they play very well together. He repeats all of the horrible things that we say to him at unexpected and hilarious times.
ex: At dinner
m: mom you're a crap face
me: hm, what did you say?
m: I said you're a CRAP face
(Note to self, stop calling the kids crap faces)
We constructed a killer slip-n-slide in the back yard, and it rocks! Maddox will spend hours on it and Jetty does not like it...yet. It is strange to me that Jetty is the wuss. Anyway, it has helped to cool the body and the temper while our AC is out.
This is the stupid slide we bought first. Impossible to stay on, the water sprayed anywhere but where it should have and it isn't neeearly long enough for our hill.
(we have since staked things down and it is sturdy and non-flappy at the end...dang we're good)
The slide is not safe for infants so, Audgie chills in a tube and is happy doing so.
Bing is AWESOME. He really is. He is so gifted and we are blessed. I recently went to the dermatologist for a funky mole. I left with a crater in my back and am waiting to hear results. Neither the doctor, nor I are concerned, rather, just being cautious. Prayers that it is nothing are appreciated :)