Bing, Maddox and I h

ad the opportunity to fly out to Astoria, OR and visit Bing's side of the family and all of their friends. Maddox was a perfect angel on the plane (both ways) and slept the entire time, although he did need a
diaper change the second we boarded the flight out of Billings. Barney (Bing's dad) picked us up from the Portland Airport and when we arrived at the house, Marcia and Bing's sister Tif were waiting eagerly....they were clapping and jumping and grammy Marcia cried when she got to hold Madnasty for the first time.
She also blessed us by
bathing the boy
in their spacious new sink...

it (the sink) was very nice and so was he!
Bing's brother, Julian, has a great camera with all of my photos of the trip. I used his camera for all of my pics because I forgot to charge our camera before we left, sooooo, I will post a bunch of awesome photos of our time in Oregon once I receive them!
Oh my goodness, Lane, the photo of Madman in the beret is so CUTE! He is so expressive!! I cannot wait to meet the little guy!
And we can't wait to meet your little bundle! Are you going to find out the gender? I'd love to know...
"Madnasty" love it.
What is it with the Myers girls and nicknames? I love them, but Rob's mystified... and I still haven't found a good one for him.
I love Madnasty. And Madman. Both are so very appropriate, methinks!
Julian: get her those pictures, mister!
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