- September 15th at 8:40 am
-weighing in as a heavyweight at........ 10# 7oz!
His head was 14 inches around, the same as Maddox. I thought it was 2 inches smaller, turns out, the rest of him was so big that his head is dwarfed in comparison.
There was an amazing electrical storm and sheets of rain pouring down. Bing and I watched from our porch and every upstairs window we could see out of and I said, "watch, I'll go into labor tonight ". I started feeling crampy and noticing some blood around 10 pm on that rainy Tuesday night. About 10:45 the uncomfortable contractions started but were nothing I couldn't handle. I had asked my mom to be in the delivery room so we called Mama Myers and warned her, it could be a long night. Her and Julian showed up around 11 pm, I hopped into the bathtub hoping to relax some muscles and power through contractions. It helped a lot, slowing the contractions and making me relax. We sent Mom home and told her we'd call when we headed to the hospital and Julian stayed the night to care for Maddox.
Bing and Julian watched "Of Mice and Men", while I lay in bed breathing through contractions. I got minutes of sleep here and there, but the contractions were consistently 3-5 minutes apart from the get go. About 3:45 it was too uncomfortable and we headed to St. Vincent's where Mom met us shortly after. I was already at 4cm and 90% effaced.
By 6:30 I was at 6cm and 90%, I got my beloved epidural, she broke my water and we were on our way. My midwife said we'd probably have a baby before 9am.
My epidural was more appropriate this time, and I could actually feel pressure, my contractions and when to push... all without pain :) 8:15 I said I think it's time, midwife agreed, and pushing commenced.
Jetty's head made it out, but the rest was lodged in my pelvis, not wanting to budge. The midwife had to reach in and pull his shoulder forward in order to get his body out before he lost all oxygen to his head. With that tight of a squeeze, the umbilical cord gets pinched and the diaphragm is useless, so there is a real risk of losing the baby when they are stuck like that.
No problem for us though! He popped right out, no broken clavicle and just a slight cone head. Surprisingly I was almost completely unscathed. Five stitches later and I'm good to go. I was up and walking around the next day. I feel wonderful and my body has mostly returned to me. I am 3lbs heavier than my pre pregnancy weight just 8 days later! I can thank my linebacker for that. I'm sure he eats around 1000 calories a day, HE'S huge!