I am now 39 weeks, according to the doctors. I didn't think I could get any more "rotund" but I am apparently wrong more often than I will admit. I had an appointment today that provided good but altogether uneventful news. I am 2cm dilated and still just 50% effaced. Doc says with the second pregnancy , it is common for women not to fully thin out until labor is in progress, and often the baby doesn't drop until then either. If you don't understand what all of that means, you probably don't want to know anyway. My feet and ankles have become quite a sight! I have never, ever retained water like this, it makes me giggle every time I look at them.
Stew escaped today. I am not at all disappointed, although I feel bad that he most likely got eaten by a large bird within hours of freeing himself. Maddox loved the little guy and would stick his hand in the cage and say "come on bunny, come on" it was sooo stinking adorable. I am sure he will forget about it soon, especially once the cage isn't sitting empty in the yard!
Bing's heart is doing really well, all things considered. The doctors told him to stop running 1/2 marathons because he doesn't feel pain like he should, he doesn't know when he is pushing his heart harder than it can handle. He now runs 2 or 3 miles every other day and has lost over 40 pounds. He's lookin' good, let me tell you, mmm-mm-mmmmm! He started taking supplements that we sell on our website and at his last doctor visit we were surprised to hear that his leak has improved slightly. That is unheard of, so they will retest him in a few months. Who knows, maybe the omega-3 heart health is a miracle drug... who knows.
I'll have to update you later, on all of Maddox's accomplishments and changes as well as his birthday. Julian has most of the pictures from the party and I never see him, even though he lives with us....
Oh..honey! I have tears in my eyes... you are soooo pregnant, it makes me tear up...plus I have good tears for the doctor report on Bing. That is AMAZING! Sending lots of hugs and kisses.
Oh girl, you look stunningly pregnant. And woot woot to Bingathy! I tried to take up running with less than stellar results, so well done, sir!
*And my word verification is "probe", FYI*
Oh my, you are still cute - rotund and puffy - but oh so cute! At the end of my pregnancy with the twins, crocs were the only shoes my HUGE feet could fit in. Such a magical time...:)
You're so great - I love the belly and feet pics. Poor Stew, I never knew ye.
Side note: you would really like Phineas and Ferb on Disney. Right up your sarcastic little alley, but in a wholesome way. :)
Jetty! Jetison the pod!
Agree with all of the above.
I know you're ready to be done, but you are pretty freakin' adorable!
When you have that baby, then mine is going to become like a million times more real, and I will probably stalk you in the hospital. Just warning you.
Keep us posted, I think about you every morning!
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