A rare glimpse of Jetty being sweet to his brother. There are usually bats swinging, guns firing and balls flying but occasionally, they slow down long enough to hug.
The gun is up, things are about to get rowdy!
Jetty has taken a liking to all of Maddox's CARS stuff. Sometimes Maddox will tolerate it and sometimes not. Jetty likes to snatch toys from Maddox and run wildly away.
Moving is hard work! We had the joy of traveling to Bozeman for the weekend to assist Rob and Addie in moving to their new, fabulously large and pretty home. There were no official babysitters on hand so there were lots of breaks for naps, snacks, discipline and light saber dueling.
Mom and dad stayed at a hotel with a water slide so we spent one evening swarming the small pool, and the two lovey couples shamelessly hanging all over each other, in order for the boys to have some fun. Maddox and Blake enjoyed it the most but we managed to get all of the wee ones down the slide at least once. It was not a tame slide, they really shot out at the bottom unless care was taken to slow down, Matt did a great job with all three of his boys...
Blakey and papa
Unamused Jetty
Schuyler Clan
I must have caught Sawyer on Mom's camera, there is proof somewhere that they all did it.
We also had Christmas for the kidlets, as we are all going separate ways this year we wanted to celebrate as a family. Reese was in Denver enjoying other family and so we missed her but, I'm sure her weekend was far more relaxed than it would have been otherwise! Pop tarts and camo was the name of the game and they thoroughly enjoyed being showered with goodies.
It was a delightful time together, and though I know we were a help, I feel like we hardly made a dent in the mountain of boxes stacked in the Bedford's garage. Also, it is interesting and funny to hear what comes out of Maddox's mouth after a full weekend with his cousins. The chore becomes deciphering what he picked up from his dad(crapface) and what he learned from the younger crowd(poopyface, I'm gonna fart on you). What have your kids learned from us recently?