We are just LOVING Coeur d'Alene. So far, I'd say it suits us. We joined a community center called the Kroc Center, it is a really neat place for all of us. They have a childcare center that you can use while you work out and they take babies as early as three months, so we now qualify for ALL THREE KIDS!!!! Unfortunately, you have to stay on site...hahaha! Anyways, they are associated with the Salvation Army, and they have a church service so, we attended there on Easter Sunday. It was nice and manageable, with not too many people. I made a lamb roast for Easter dinner. The flavor was good but the meat was sinewy, I prefer rack of lamb. The boys hunted for eggs in our living room. Maddox is now old enough to enjoy the hunt and Jetty did great keeping up. I think Jetty will be the competitive one always trying to outdo his older brother. Although they are really ornery, they both have such tender hearts. After finding all of the eggs, several times, Jetty preceded to put all of his eggs in Maddox's basket which Maddox loved, he didn't love when Jetty took them all back and then some :)
Bubbles and bath time are favorites around here, as is Spiderman, swimming, cereal and popcorn. Random assortment, I know, but that is what is talked about, begged for and consumed all.the.time. Maddox especially likes Spidey from 1967, no joke, he says it like this" hey, I have an idea, how about Spidermaaaaan, Firestar and Iceman". He would watch TV and play on the ipad all day if we allowed it, it is kind of disturbing but also a really good babysitter when I need it. I'm torn... Maddox has been attending preschool, two days a week for two hours. It is also at the Kroc Center, is faith based and a great learning environment. He can recite his ABC's and count to ten consistently and is working on 11-20. He also has a more sophisticated vocabulary and grammar than I expect from him, it sometimes catches me off guard. I especially love when he corrects adults "no, (Mom, Dad, Addie, Piper, Grammy, stranger) you can't say "shit"'. Love it! He is quite a ham and rarely gives me a straight face.

Jetty is hilarious of course, just a little fireball. He is getting more words and he asks for "cuckies" all day long. He is actually asking for cereal, and then he leaves it, all over everywhere to attract ants. He has entered the stage where he says "no" constantly only he says it in the cutest high pitched song. I'm not being funny, it is really cute, except that he is saying "no" to me. He calls Audrey, "Audgy" and so that is what we all call her too.

Audrey is now three months old! Oi, it happens so fast. I am enjoying every sweet moment that I can since, she is our last...officially. She is an angel baby: beautiful, peaceful, happy, quiet and sleepy. She sleeps through the night, except for last night. She will sit silent in her swing for hours only peeping to coo at herself in the mirror overhead. She smiles this big, cheeky, squinty eyed smile and gurgles for anyone who gets in her face and talks sweet to her. Then, she starts kicking her roley poley legs and humming and cooing and stealing your heart. I often waste much of my day staring at her and getting her to smile at me. She'll nurse, which takes all of 10 minutes, and then we sit there entertaining each other, or sleeping on each other for another hour plus. My boys then find us and start wrestling and flinging themselves all around only pausing to kiss Audrey and leave a slime trail on her fuzzy head.
Bing recently had another fantastic appointment with his heart doc in Seattle.The doc asked him what it is that changed everything for him, what helped him make better decisions and lifestyle changes. Bing went on about mentorship and prayer and having quality, successful people sewing into his life. Obviously, not the answer he was hoping for. He was looking for advice to share with other patients, but how do you convey all of that? There is no prescription for what God has accomplished in Bing.
I am doing great out here. I have had more phone conversations and FaceTime and visitors since being here than I did in the 6 months previous. I have started exercising regularly, attempting to get my bodacious body back...hehe. There really is nothing to report, I spend my days frantically trying to keep up with a family of five. There is always stupid amounts of laundry, dishes, food on the floor, butts to be wiped, shoes, binkies and blankies to be found and in the middle of ALL that, I have to figure out how to get us all in the car so I can have my Starbucks. I HAVE TO HAVE MY STARBUCKS, or else.
Ahhh..Thank you for this wonderful chapter...I feel like i am no longer running on empty. Love you and your wonderful wit...and your beautiful family!
Hurray! I miss you guys so much, I rely on bloggies to keep me in the loop. Great pics! I would love to hear more about Coeur d'Alene (not an easy city to spell, thanks for that)
What I want to say is..."really! about time!" but to be nice so you won't hold out on us like that again, I'll just say Hooray for a wonderful post! I love and miss these little guys so much! They are having a ball and I am so happy for all of you and heres to your good health! Cheers!
Yes! Love it all. Looking forward to enjoying Starbucks with you soon (if that's possible with all 7 of our combined children:)
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