Tuesday, May 15, 2012

steppin on me

Maddox rode his bicycle for the entire family walk which was easily 2+ miles, up a bunch of hills too! He did so great, and never complained or whined...what a guy. He has discovered shadows and has a super imagination. Love this kid.


Addie said...

So, he's super cute, but WHAT is with the therapy helmet? Hasn't Zulily done bike helmets yet? ;)

lanerdoo said...

It is for a 5 year old, and I had to take out the thick pads and replace with the thinnest pads so it would fit his HUGE head. And it is a much cooler style than other varieties :)

Grammie Perrine said...

Addie! Therapy helmet? This is your darling nephew...you big bully!

Reese said...

Loving the more frequent blogging, the funny comments, and hearing your laugh, Lane! Mwah!