Three generations…I love this picture
Bing turned 30 this year!!!! A full six months before I do, so I have to give him a hard time about being old. Since his first love was the ocean, I took him back to visit her. We left the kids with his folks(and a few enlisted helpers), and headed to an oceanfront condo in Bella Beach just south of Lincoln City. We had a hot tub overlooking the ocean and it was breathtaking. A storm brewing to the north, one to the south and just pure shimmering sun beams smack dab in the middle to wow us before heading out to a delightful birthday dinner. We took in a movie, did a little beach combing, a little shopping, learned how to lose at Roulette…we did it all. It was perfect, having two days to reconnect and rest our old, weary bodies.


I'll keep it G-rated

Birthday dinner, phone pictures aren't the greatest
Oh boy did we have fun!
Adorable! Happy Birthday Bing! 30 looks awesome on you!
You always know how to have the fun!!!
Love this post! So glad to be able to help out by taking care of your "lttles". Love them...and YOU...BUNCHES! I just got caught up on your blog - so much goodness. I'm just so glad I get to see you tomorrow and be your sister (and Auntie to your kids) forever. FOR-EV-ER...Sandlot style. Love you.
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