Friday, February 27, 2009

A little of this and a little of that

Maddox has his first cold....snot, coughing, sneezing and restless sleep oh my! Despite the ugliness of his cold, his attitude is still great and he is all smiles, as long as you are giving him your undivided attention.

I may have created a monster. Because I am with him ALL THE TIME, he has grown accustomed to constant attention. Now when he is awake it is much harder to get anything accomplished. Oh well, we'll figure it out I guess.

Last night Maddox threw up into Bing's mouth. I tried to help him get cleaned up but I was laughing so hard I was mostly useless.

Maddox had just eaten and I passed him off to Bing. He got a tickle and started to cough which in turn triggered his gag reflex and so he spit half of his meal onto Bing's shoulder. In disgust, Bing lifted him up higher to get Maddox out of his own mess and then came round two.... The other half of his dinner came out right into/onto Bing's mouth! What a magical time this is.

Maddox is really teething now, wanting to chew on everything that comes into orbit, anything within two feet is fair game! Trying to feed him cereal is like dancing, I have to weave in and out of his flailing hands to get the spoon to his face. Then, he grabs it and shoves it back to where his molars are apparently trying to break through, and goes to town.

I have finished my first quilt! Mama Marcia gifted me with a sewing machine for Christmas and my first project was to make a quilt for my friend Adriane, who is due to have a baby boy today. I'm praying that he comes quickly before she takes someone's life! Anyway, it turned out nicely, especially considering it is my first and I am self taught in the ways of quilting.


holly gannett said...

the quilt is awesome lane!!

I was laughing so hard when I read the story about Maddox puking :) just the other day Ella did something similar and TObin acts like it is going to kill him to get baby puke on him, when I have it on me ALL the time. I would have to say Bing had it worse though-- in the mouth yuck :) hahaha. Hope all is well!

aubyn said...

ha ha ha good story! Im sorry about the sickness.
You make a mighty fine looking quilt, there little lady. Can you make me a patch for where I burned my curtain, allegedly?

thanks for updating :)

naomi said...

wow lane, i am super impressed by the quilt! nice work!

Addie said...

yay for quilts! laughed out loud about the maddox/bing/puke story (sorry, bing), and loved the pics. you are looking especially hot right now, and there were a few of maddox that look like you instead of like a little bing clone! also, you may want to specify that there is an 'addie' on that side of the family, because i was confused at first (she looks nothing like me!).

Anonymous said...

Baby regurgitation taken to a new level!! Too bad you did not get it on video... you would be millionaires. The quilt is darling. You amaze me! Geema Marcia

Reese said...

We've survived many nasty colds at our house and I credit our survival to the humidifier. Works wonders. Your first quilt turned out beautifully. We'll take the next one, thank you :). Thanks again for the flowers - they brightened my kitchen and my mood for many days!