Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good news and daycare blues

We finally got the Internet hooked up at home. This means that I have one fewer excuse for not posting! I hope to get some new pictures and videos on here soon.
Bing has had several interviews and will most likely have several jobs to choose from. The second income is desperately needed however, this means that Maddox needs someone to care for him. With Bing and I both working normal, day-time hours comes the need for daycare :( This could almost bring me to tears. Why you ask?
1)I hate the idea of someone else "raising" my child
2)I really want to be at home with him, he is atrociously adorable and fun
3)Bad habits are learned from all of the other little shits at daycare
4)Daycare is expensive!
Not to mention, I have no idea where to begin looking... I don't trust any of them.


Addie said...

It's a toughy, for sure. BUT, it doesn't have to be forever. And you never know - he could bring home good habits too! I like to think that is Blake's contribution to his peers: better please and thank-you skills, and the ability to use cuss words in context.

It will be okay. Stay-at-home mothering is more a luxury than ever, and it's one fewer and fewer families can afford, sadly.

Grammie Perrine said...

Want a live-in Nanny? I am unemployed, you know... and please let us know where Bing will be employed. Have there been offers?

Joy Joy said...

I feel your pain, sister. We are looking for daycare right now as well and it makes me want to cry! I have been fortunate enough to take Selah to work with me until Mike gets home around lunch, but it is getting harder and harder to actually work with an almost one-year-old around. Good luck. Start by asking your friends who they use so you can at least have a personal connection.

Sharon said...

Check with people in your church or neighborhood. Sometimes a stay-at-home mom can use extra income and be a trustworthy and caring option.

Anonymous said... friend Kristin works at Discovery Daycare. She has a teaching degree and has very high expecations for her own children in that daycare. I would highly recommend that place. If you have any questions, let me know!


Grammie Perrine said...

Okay.... my baby grandson is the handsomest child on earth.. but this new featured photo makes him look like a big mouth bass.. WTH?

Laurie said...

I did daycare in my home for 15 years, And no, I won't be reopening it for anyone, but ask friends who they trust. Daycare is one of those touchy subjects. I personally like a small home setting, especially when the kiddo is little.