Saturday, May 8, 2010


So, Bing is now working two jobs and I also work full-time. I am gone from x:30 until around x:00, Mon- Fri. Bing takes Maddox to the babysitter at 2:30 and works until x:00 Mon-Thur. Saturday, Bing works another 8 hours. That means we only see each other on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday, unless preggo stays up way past her bedtime to see the hubs.

I am tired, sad and lonely. I have no regular babysitters that I can call, just to go to the grocery store or to simply enjoy a fun store on Saturday, the only day that I would be able to visit fun places that aren't open past five during the week or Sundays. I am wallowing in self-pity today, even indulging myself in some tears.

I know this is just temporary. I know that we need all of these jobs right now. I know that Bing would have it be different if he could. But, knowing these things doesn't make me feel better about being alone all of the time. Maddox is lots of fun when he isn't sick or sleeping (he is both sick, and sleeping right now), but not fun to take to the stores I like to visit, just to browse. What almost two year old likes browsing a fabric store for an hour?

On a lighter note... thanks to the sunny days and the roof full of solar panels, our electric bill was only $6 this month. Taxes and delivery charges only. Our house created more than enough energy to power itself. Pretty cool huh?


Grammie Perrine said...

Oh angel, you are pregnant...tears and exhaustion are commonplace. I keep hoping to win the lottery so I can change my kid's lives...until then YEAY about the electricity bill!

Addie said...

Until Marcia wins the lottery, you are changing your lives yourselves, being all grown up and the crap that comes with it.

While I, too, wish your circumstances could be different right now, I'm proud as hell of you guys for doing the hard work required to survive this brief period. You are not on the take, not slacking off, and not hormonally balanced.

I'm in awe, and I really really respect both of you. TONS. YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, and you're doing it! Be encouraged sweet, sister. Wait on the Lord. Be strong, take heart, and wait on the Lord.

Janelle Wilson said...

I can't even tell you how often I have had to remind myself that "this too shall pass" this year. It's a season, it will lead to greater things, and you're doing all you can to keep your family happy and healthy. All will be well!

Grammie Perrine said...

Yeah... Addie's comment is better. AND OMIGOSH my word Verification is it a sign?

Anonymous said...

Laney- I understand being lonely. I work 8-5 M-F and Josh goes to school full time and works nights when he's not doing homework. We get Saturdays together, if we're lucky. Not even Sundays (he mornings and I have softball in the evening). I get to see him when he comes to kiss me goodnight, before he goes off to do his homework. :( It sucks. I know exactly what you're going through (minus the whole being pregnant part.) If you ever need someone to talk to, you have my number! Love and miss you!
