Monday, May 10, 2010

The mysterious Bison

Our Mother's day was moderately quiet and relaxing. Maddox slept in until 10 am and so did we! Bing got up with Maddox and cooked us all breakfast, a fried egg and smoked cheddar on an English muffin per my request. Then we headed outside to play for a bit. Our 3 year old neighbor, Davon, got up at 7:30 and sat on our front porch for 30 minutes just hoping that Maddox would come out... not so little buddy, not so.

Davon, Eve and Maddox

We dinked around the front yard for an hour with the neighbors and then met up with Julian and his girl for a relaxing drive around Roundup. Bing and I discovered that we like the area up there, with lots of open fields, treed areas, wildlife, and the Mussleshell River. We came across a baby Bison munching on some grass alongside an assortment of horses, ponies and mules. A very strange bunch they were, and the bison was outside of the fence, not readily found in that area. I am still wondering if it belongs to someone or just wandered far from home, all alone. I dared Julian to climb on, but from the looks of the little guy he would have contracted some major fleas or disease, he passed on the dare.

About 15 miles outside of Billings, our HUMONGOUS new Suburban ran out of gas. Luckily we had cell phone service and AAA. We pulled out the golf clubs and hit balls into the field and threw copious amounts of rocks at signs while waiting for our gasoline to arrive. Upon pulling into the gas station on the outskirts of Billings, we saw another curious sight... this unlikely dude wearing $200+ True religion jeans. Everyone laughed at me for whipping out my enormously conspicuous camera and snapping a picture with the flash.

To top of the day we had a delightful sushi dinner to satisfy my craving. The problem with that is that it really just feeds my cravings and I want Sake Nigiri for every meal.

It was nothing terribly out of our ordinary but, it was a delightful day with some of my very favorite people. Thanks Binger, for making me Queen for a day.


Gailzee said...

Happy Mother's Day Lane! Hooray for all the fun stuff you got to do! Your boys are precious and you are so blessed to be a wife and a mom...that owns a brand new house that makes it's own energy!I know these times are trying and I'm really glad you have a place to vent so that we can help pump you up! I will give you a call some Saturday to see if I can watch the little man while you "browse"! I have to work this weekend! Tell Bing I have a bunch of swim passes to give to him so that he can bring his buddies up to swim!Keep the Faith! Love Ya!

Grammie Perrine said...

Slept in - check. Hubby made breakfast - check. Great day with family - check. Sushi for dinner - check. Happy Mother's Day, darling! The baby bison looks like it needs some fur conditioner though. But COOL pix!

Addie said...

Wait... you have a Suburban now?