The funny thing is that his ears didn't really seem to bother him. Anyway, he is now on amoxacillin to obliterate the infection, but that gave him thrush. So, throughout the day, Jetty gets 2 doses of amoxacillin, 4 of nystatin, and special nystatin paste for his butt. Then, I have an ointment to use after nursing so we don't pass the thrush back and forth. There is a whole lot of medicating that I will be oh-so happy to be done with.
Sporting the OWL hat my friend Janelle knit for him.
We aren't into a solid routine just yet but most nights he sleeps between 7 and 9 hours. AMAZING.
Maddox is a good brother. He mostly ignores Jetty, but when he is paying attention it is all hugs and kisses and petting. Potty training is on hold, as Maddox is not interested in participating. He loves the treats for staying dry and going on the potty, but not enough to do it without prompting and 24/7 supervision. I love the way his britches get all folded and awkward when he pulls them up by himself.
He did this to himself. Funny and totally unsanitary!
Play doh is a favorite right now as is playing swords, coloring, trains, and watching movies. Kung Fu Panda, CARS, Bob the Builder and Astro Boy are common around here. We would LOVE new movies for Christmas... just an idea (by we, I mean Bing and I).
The snow is coming down in Billings and Maddox is finally big enough to enjoy it a little. We went out today and stomped on the perfectly flat snow. Maddox likes messing up the perfection and will go in a line down the sidewalk pressing his hands into the fluff.
I must admit... I'm a little partial to the hat picture. :) Glad he's growing into it! Your boys are pretty much fantastic.
Great post! i'm sorry to hear of the medical maladies :(
Janelle is that a hat for 6 mos that he almost fits already?! he he that is a joke. classic
Great pics - I have been taking more too, just to satisfy you, but I haven't posted any yet. The multiple infections sound miserable.
What movies would you be interested in? Maybe Finding Nemo?
Jetty is dense? So is Grandpa Barney!
Hey, Anonymous, who are you to dismiss my husband? Laney, I finally logged on via Barney's PC...thank goodness... I have been having withdrawals! That new one surely has beautiful BLUE eyes! love my babies!
Hi sweet sister.
Gary :)
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