What are those boys up to these days? Well, Maddox is a riot, per usual. He is most certainly a busy two year old and very smart and sassy. My favorite right now is when he goes potty in the toilet and then says to himself, "Good job Maddox, you did great"! It is so stinking cute, even when he barely tinkles, he is just so proud of himself. Also, he uses his Sit-n-spin as a step stool, dragging it all over the house and teetering on the post to grab at things we are trying to keep from him. He now totes his Woody doll around and says "hey cowboy, yee-haw". He frequently grabs my face and kisses me repeatedly saying "muah, muah, muah, muah".
Jetty is coming into his own. Now that we have figured him out a bit, he is so very sweet and mild tempered. He is very, very happy and smiles and giggles often. He is extremely grabby and once he gets a hold of your hair, or the skin on your neck, or your nose, there will be pain to get it back. He also does this super sweet, and tender thing when he nurses where he puts his hand up to his cheek. He loves to snuggle equally as much as Maddox hated it. He would be perfectly content to be held and kissed and nuzzled always. He gnaws on everything, he is constantly shoving both of his fists in his mouth and tries to catch anything that comes close to his face. He likes his binki, but he wants me to hold it in and then he holds on to my hand, it is precious and annoying, cause mama has stuff to do, darn it!
I finally grew my hair out, the longest it has been since 7th grade. I really didn't care for it! All that time and all I wanted to do was chop it off. Ma Myers got me a cut and color for Christmas... brilliant! So, Saturday, I treated myself to Starbucks and then got pampered for 2 1/2 hours. Can you believe it? 2 1/2 hours all to myself, no diapers, boogers, slobber or tripping over trains; just me, my coffee and some girly chatter.
This is the best before shot I could come up with
aaaaand the after shot
Boys boys boys! Sweet, handsome and POSITIVE! i love that Maddox says good job to himself, i hope he has a happy confident life.
Love the hair! Did you go to Sage? Did you go to Katie Dixon? Starbucks + 2 1/2 hours of youtime = goodness!!
I need to call you to talk about your moving plans!
Haven't read all of it, just watched the video and all I could think was: YOU ROTTEN COW! Why didn't you tell us you were doing the dedication? We'd have tried so very hard to be there!
Ok, I love those boys, and your hair is really cute. I keep seeing glimpses of you and thinking it's me. Weird.
Just logged onto daddy's computer to see if anythnig is new at Burch Perch...and watched the boys dedication...and I am bawling my eyes out. I so wish we could have been there too! Love you so much Perrine family. PS ...you look beautiful, Laney-bird.
Your mom and I are sitting here just loving, reading and laughing at your most recent post! You guys are amazing parents and your boys, of course, are beautiful and if you move we are going to suffer something awful! We love you so much....I'm with Marcia...I was pretty choked up viewing the whole video! God Bless you all! And we love your hair!
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