I have been watching a neighbor boy for about six weeks now and have him until the end of February. Tuesday-Friday 8-5:30, he is five and has a ton of questions. I am learning a lot about myself through all of this, like, I don't like people all up in my business. You don't need to know why I am in this room or that, upstairs or down. I move around all day, and you should just be OK with that. And no, I don't know what is for lunch yet, probably PB and J since you are vegetarian and we eat meat for every meal. To be fair, he is completely normal for a five year old, but I don't have one of those yet, my two year old is still learning to put sentences together and has not yet learned the art of asking questions. So I am learning to answer them politely and without snapping as he is also a tender hearted, sensitive little man. I am surprised he doesn't break into tears half of the time, because as you all know, I am not the "coddling" type, I am more apt to say "buck up and brush it off", than I am, "are you okay"(insert comforting mommy voice).
Anyway, he is a sweet, well behaved boy and we are all learning a lot from this.
Jetty continues to bewilder me. He sleeps through the night sometimes and others he is up three or four times. I am wondering if he doesn't have acid reflux issues because, he won't be soothed until he is upright, popping the binky back in just doesn't do it.
We will be transitioning Maddox into a big boy bed this next week, and Jetty into a full crib. I'm not exactly sure where everyone will be, the two boys in one room might not be an option with screaming Jetty. Once Maddox is in a big bed, I will try potty training again; what is the point if he is trapped in a crib and needs to go at night or early morning. I have tried leaving the crib rail down but, he has not even attempted to get out, he'll lay there with his feet up on the wall talking to himself until you come in to get him. Now, when you walk into the room he says "there you are(high pitched singsong voice) good morning momma!"
Maddox has LOTS of words, phrases and, some sentences and continues to be a joy. He is generally very polite and well mannered, happy, silly and very tender. He makes us laugh all day everyday. Jetty is also a joy when not waking up in the middle of the night or screaming his head off while I'm trying to make dinner. He has a huge smile and the sweetest giggle. He is now rolling from back to front really well and he loves his feet.
Maddox also loves to dance! The original is over two and half minutes long :)
Blake came running over when he heard the video and first needed to know who it was, then said "Awww, he's so cute!"
I hear you on the 5-year-old thing... just know that a lot of it comes from the parents. And when you need to, you can totally be soft-hearted, right up until you find out they are manipulating you against your husband. Your finger can be in their face faster than two shakes. It's remarkable what a 5-year-old can do to a mother... but at least you get eased in by the 3- and 4-year-olds first. :)
Love the update on your life!
Yahoo, you did it and your post is wonderful. Maddox is a wild man and great stamina at dancin' his heart out! Thank you!
Maddox defines Happy Feet! Great post! Love you and miss you.
That was great! He has got some rhthym, must be Bing ;). Good luck with the big boy bed!
Lane...your boyz are delightful!.. and may that little man continue to be so joyful and moved by the spirit! And you, my dear, are a great mom, and care provider! I only wish that all kids could be so lucky!
Dang it... for some reason I cannot view the video.... I am BUMMED
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