We bought a DVD player for the car, to keep Maddox entertained on the 18 hour drive getting there, and the multitude of car rides once we were there... genius! Jetty slept except when he woke to eat. I'm not sure that is normal for a 7 month old but, I'll take it.
I made these comfy pants for Maddox to wear in the car, they shrunk enough with the first wash that I will be undoing the hem and re-hemming, novice mistake.
Day 1
4:00am left Billings(miracle in itself)
6:30am stopped for lattes and a steamer in Bozeman, dropped off goodies to Reese
1:00pm lunch with Piper in Spokane
9:30pm stop in Portland say hi to Julian and Jenn
12:30am made it to Astoria! Dad got up to see us then went to work when we went to bed so that he could be home by the time we woke up. Now that's discipline!
Days 2&3 Clam digging, Coffee Girl, the jetty at Fort Stevens, and the Blues.
The boys had better luck the first day, filling Barney's limit (15) and Bing got close too. The second day, I joined and I loved it. I got 1 clam, all by myself. Not because I'm terrible at digging clams but, the tide didn't cooperate too well. That's my story.
Things to remember:
1)tuck your pants into your socks, it helps keep your socks from falling down in your hip waders
2)pay attention to the waves when you are on your knees digging a clam, Barney had to save me from calamity with a timely warning.
3)Keep your hand on the backside of the shovel, they're called razor clams for a reason
Maddox claimed this shovel, it is shorter than the rest. "Es my shovel" he practically speaks fluent Spanish already...ha!
Coffee Girl permeates my dreams at night, it is everything that is wonderful, especially after(or before) clam digging. If you are ever near Astoria, make a point to stop for coffee and sit watching the river.
There were dozens of enormous ships in the Columbia, vibrant and worn, they were stunning. We went for coffee on the pier as often as we could and watched them move slowly by. Papa and Maddox have a truly, special bond of mutual adoration.
We got to enjoy Barney performing at a quaint restaraunt in Cannon Beach called Sweet Basil. Bing got up and sang with his dad and they were a huge hit.
We spent several days in Grays Harbor, visiting family, grade school buddies, and fun places. We gathered oysters in Ocean Shores which, to me, is a treasure hunt and did not last long enough. Maddox didn't agree, he was so patient and sat on a rock, fearful of the flies and seagulls, so we treated him to icecream and bowling.
We visited Bing's Great Uncle Burch and his girlfriend Bebe. He is a sweet, tender man. Jetty started squawking from hunger, so Burch held him and sang to him and he was sweet as can be for an hour!
We stayed with Bing's sister Sissy, and her and her girls spoiled the snot out of the boys with attention and treats and toys.
Wonderful post! Especially LOVE that their are NO photos of this old broad. Miss you ALL sooo much! kisses kisses kisses...
I'm saving the ONE I have for the next post. I don't take photos of you cause you throw such a fit :)
Marcia, you're silly, but I understand. Despite how others may think we are lovely, I also hate photos of myself (usually because I think: Ick. I don't really look like THAT, do I?).
However, SUCH FUN. Thanks for the photo-rich post. I'm doing my best to do more photos here, since Rob's are artsy-fartsy and don't include people. That means (Marcia) I have to take photos of MYSELF TOO. Argh.
Love you tons!
Hooray for a most excellent trip! Praise the Lord for the great Doctor report and sleeping babies! I am so happy for your little family and the Big Oregon Adventure!
Thank you so much for celebrating Easter with us. Is it not obvious our Redeemer Lives!!!???
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