Monday, April 4, 2011


Jetty is developing in leaps and bounds... 6 1/2 months marked the cutting of his first bottom tooth, rolling as a means of transportation, flopping as an alternate means of transportation, solid foods and lot of them, he has become less and less interested in nursing, he laughs and giggles at any attention Maddox gives him and he can sit for stretches of time without rocking himself backwards. Now that he rolls and flops, it isn't safe to leave him resting on a bed or even on the floor, he either goes boom or disappears.

Both of my boys looooove water. Bath time is a favorite but swimming and hot tubs are even better :)

In other news, the weather here has been really weird, we have had crazy winds, blowing Smart Car sized tumbleweeds(no joke, the thing may have been bigger than a Smart Car), snow falling after a nice week of 60 degree days. One snow fall provided enough wet snow for Bing and Maddox to make a whole family of snow people, who melted a horrible, sloppy death the very next day.

Maddox enjoyed the marshmallows and then refused to drink the hot chocolate... what is wrong with that kid?!

We head out to the coast in a few days and are praying for dry roads and safe travels. We are so looking forward to a fun trip!


Addie said...

I love it! The disappearing Jetty, the sloppily dying snowmen, the hot-chocolate-eschewing Maddox. Drive safely! See you soon!

Grammie Perrine said...

I am doing a HAPPY dance out here in Oregon. Love you!

Gailzee said...

Lane, those pics were just what I needed to start my day! Your boyz are amazing and delightful to watch grow! I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip! We will pray for you good weather, safe roads, happy babies and a great doctor's report!It was fun being in your home the other night! Everything looked so nice! Sheila is a wonderful gal! Love to all!