Monday, September 12, 2011

A brief briefing

Saturday September 3rd, I severed the extensor tendon across the top of my left thumb. This is the tendon that allows you to lift your thumb into the hitch hiker position. I was trying to cut a packing strap on my new hose reel, the one I bought on clearance because I'm too cheap to pay much for such a tool.... it has since become a very, very expensive reel.
My kind neighbor rushed me to the walk-in clinic while his wife stayed with my kids until grammie Monie showed up. Bing had volunteered to help scrape and paint a lady's house that particular day and met me at the walk-in. The clinic sent me over to the E.R. where they could offer me numbing agents while trying to asses the damage. I have NEVER screamed like I did that day, the process of numbing my thumb was the absolute worst. I don't know if being pregnant had anything to do with it but I was a big, huge, crying, wailing mess.
They decided my tendon was severed and faxed my info to the Orthopaedic center for surgery the following Tuesday, as it was Labor Day Weekend... of course.
Tuesday I waited and waited for the call, they were all mixed up but, got me in for a consult with the Pediatric Surgeon, upon realising that I am pregnant he decided that surgery would have to take place at the hospital, as opposed to the Surgery Center, so they could monitor baby's heart rate. Surgery was on Thursday the 8th and went superbly. They blocked my arm and put me to sleep so I wouldn't be aware of any nasty sounds or smells. I woke up happy and, according to the nurse, funny. I wore a cast to immobilise the thumb until today, when they made me an awkward splint that I have to wear for another 5 1/2 weeks!

Mama Marcia flew in on Sunday night, just in time for Maddox's birthday! She will have been here for two weeks by the time she leaves. She has saved our butts! I can't really lift the kids, effectively bathe them or maneuver in the kitchen, knives and utensils are suuuuper awkward and probably pretty dangerous. I can't change a diaper or wash the dishes, or even shave my own armpits :) Even though I'm right handed, it is amazing how much I use my left hand. Try it for a day, you'll be astounded how helpful that second hand can be!

So, who wants to move in for a few weeks after Mama leaves us? Free room and board, stinky diapers, and lots of thank yous will be your payment.


Jennifer Hawkinson said...

Soooo... Is Marcia shaving your armpits?

lanerdoo said...

Bing did once. The other times I just did a really poor job. Addie offered to wax them this weekend so now I'm growing them out :)

Reese said...

Despite the pain and expense - it sounds like a nice little vacation from housework. :) You can shave your left armpit, right? Ha ha.

Grammie Perrine said...

Re: Lane's offer to move in for a few weeks is a GREAT job...In addition to the free room and board there is a BONUS of FREE hugs and laughter, too.