Sunday, August 28, 2011

Camping fail

Seeing as we live in Montana, it would be a sin not to take advantage of the many beautiful mountains, lakes, fishing, camping etc. So, we headed to the mountains for a fishing excursion. We had more luck with the wild raspberries. Next, we attempted a camping trip to Woodbine Falls, a favorite spot from my childhood. It was a tedious process of packing everything into the "burb" and then actually finding a spot that wasn't reserved. We found a goody, unloaded our stuff and rolled out the BIG, HUGE, EXPENSIVE, ENORMOUS, canvas tent, only to find it was moldy and rotting. Apparently we put it away damp last October and it proceeded to fester in our garage.

We enjoyed a campfire, sloppy joes, s'mores, and nearby river for a few hours before heading home to sleep in our cozy beds. We caught no fish but, Maddox and Jetty had a great time throwing rocks, sticks, and whatever else they could get their grubby hands on.


Addie said...

Gross. Was the fabric compromised on the tent (as in, can you wash it in many waters and get over staining), or is it kaput for good? I'm sorry it was a failure in your plans, but good thing you also planned to have fun. Because it looks like you managed THAT, at least!

lanerdoo said...

It is fully ruined... we took it to the dump the next day. We tried to clean it but the fabric was holey and ripping. It was very, very gross.

Momica said...

I would say you made lemonade out of elons on that excursion. Cute pictures! I loved the throwing video where the rock took Maddox over and then there is Jetty's that was stuck to his hand. Darling! But I'm a bias grammie and proud of it!!!

Gailzee said...

Oh! Such great camping, fishing, and boys throwing rocks pictures! I'm so sorry about the tent! That happened to us once so we always set the thing up before any camping trip just to make sure it was in good shape and all there! Anyway! Get back out there!

aubyn said...

You are a real hobbit family with your adventures and you're cute faces!

I really can't get enough photos, I love that you were in some this time!

How is baby 3? From Blake to June, there are enough Myers-Womack-Nutting babes to make a baseball team.

Hannah said...

Oh the tent, how gross! Good for you guys for taking it in stride! Such cute boys...

Grammie Perrine said...

YEP..we did the same storing-a-wet- tent thing...Big YUCK...but the rest of the pics are darling!!