Thursday, October 13, 2011

because typing one handed is so tedious

It has been life as usual around here, nothing terribly exciting to report on. I am still recovering from surgery, I have one week left in the splint and then I start some exercises to make it work right. We have a few trips planned for the next two months which will mean a whole lot of driving and a whole lot of fun. The pregnancy has been super easy, the boys are super busy and we are loving our life.

Here are a bunch of photos from the last of summer, they are just cute and require no stories...

Maddox loves kids, he just wants to be everyone's friend...


gailzee said...

All your boys are so darn cute! Thanks for the update! I for one, am so happy when there is nothing to report! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Momica said...

Way to go Lane, pecking out your words one handed. The pictures are wonderful of the boys! You have great subjects in front of that camera and I just love them!

Grammie Perrine said...

My heart just melted...that pic of Jetty in the tub is perfectiom...tried to copy it to repost but Noooo...guess I'll just keep returning to "the Perch"