Maddox is everyone's buddy. He makes friends with all kids, no matter their age and he asks for his friends daily. Maria is our 18 year old neighbor, Joya is 16, Jarred (his "bigger friend" is 11, his "little friend" Lincoln is 3, Kody is 12 etc. He asks for his cousins, every day as well as rolling ball, the big slide, swimming and golfing. The kid isn't afraid to ask for the world.
He likes to hold my hand and tell me I'm his best friend or his best sweetheart. He kisses the back of my hand and will stroke my hair, saying "I wike your hair" and then he'll turn right around and punch Jetty in the gut. Every night at bed he asks "mom, you tickle my back and my belly"? He begs to go to church and to school, for goodness sake! I could go on and on and on about what an amazing kid he is and I can just envision the incredible man he will grow into. What a joy to be his mama.
Guess who is FOUR?!
This is his very serious, Spider Man face. He held the face and the pose for quite some time, not seeming to mind that Reese and I were enjoying a good laugh.
We celebrated the day of with a Little Debbie donut mound, a few presents and fun stuff I don't remember. Then we headed to Billings for a smattering of things and celebrated again with all of the fam. Spider Man was the unofficial theme as he is currently very "into" the superhero. We celebrated at the waterpark again this year, it never gets old (Thanks G.G.!)Thanks Grammy and Papa Myers for hosting everyone and providing all of the fun play things!
Donut mound (Maddox just finished crying because Jetty snagged a donut and sent the mound, with lit candle, into a tumbling mess. HA!)
Gimme that donut....drool...I love fooood
A journey back some years...*tear*
I'm "free"
Brand new Maddox
What a sweet wonderful precious boy! Love you to bits, Maddox Burchfield Perrine!
I want "that" Spiderman to rescue me!! Sure love you big guy. Happy Birfday to Jetty bug!
That serious Spiderman face was the absolute best - glad you got a picture of it. I think 4 is a really fun age. Love all you Perrines!
I love him so much. That smile on the first pic, with his bright eyes - oh, just melts my heart.
Now THAT'S a Spider man costume! Where did you find such a realistic one? He looks fierce!
Lane, I thought I had left a comment...but maybe not! I wanted to say thanks for all the fun Birthday festivities! Thanks for inviting us! You have an absolute adorable family and I love you all!
Waiting for the next installment.."My second born is two...."
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