Jetty is in a mommy/daddy and me class so I get to be in there with him having fun. He recounted every moment of his lesson to me as I tucked him in tonight which is really fun because it shows me that he was mentally present and enjoying our watery date. It meant a lot to him to go swimming without siblings, just mama there cheering him on as he rescued Mater from the bottom of the shallow pool. I don't have pics of Jetty yet as I was in the water but I'll be sure we get some :)
Audrey was a perfect peach during lessons although she really wanted to get in too.
Hello there, I still only have two teeth!
Syrup is good, let us not waste a single drop.
Maddox and I worked on math, for the first time ever, and he completed ALL of these. He was very engaged in the process, even though the t.v. was on in the same room. He was excited by his own smarts and wanted to finish all of them. He gets that from Reese, not sure how that gene worked its way in.
This is Jetty's angry, "I'm gonna punch you" face. It never gets old…except for when he actually punches you.
I was asked to host a table for the Ladies Luncheon at my church, which required me to provide a centerpiece and a small gift for each lady at my table. I went with a branching bird cage with paper bird ornaments each with a heart dangling from its beak. I was warned that it was competitive but boy was I shocked by how elaborate some were. Needless to say, I am starting on next year's now…haha!
Adorable! The swim lessons the math-play, the angry face! Your bird cage center piece! All adorable! I love your post! Alwaaays!!!!
Oh my you have been a busy momma. How fun for you and Jetty. That will be a sweet time for you and him. Is Audrey around the pool while you are teaching? Love the pictures love the people!!
You must have been working on this post while Grandpa and I were Face timing with the littles! When Bing asked the boys what they did today, Maddox answered ..went swim min' but Jetty said he ate kukkies. Glad he REALLY did remember and LOVED his mama and me swim time..AND WOW on the centerpiece! very Martha Stewarty. And BIG WOW on Maddie's math skills! Love you ALL!
Can I just say that your life looks so dreamy?
Lovely babies, lovely creativity, lovely Cousin!!
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