Monday, April 15, 2013

Goofy girly

Here is a short(ish) video to hold you over and whet your appetite until I can get my words out. I have been thinking about blogging a lot lately, however finding the time to sit down and put them together is a feat. I am exploring the depths of who I am these days, and a mentor of mine keenly observed that I tend to withhold the things that I really enjoy or that fill up my tank until I have "fulfilled my duties" which are endless, let me tell you. My house is far from tidy or perfect and I spend most every spare moment cleaning up, doing laundry, doing the dishes or trying to shower and put myself together while one baby is sleeping and the other two are distracted by the t.v.. So, while I am in the middle of getting myself figured out, please forgive me for my long absence.


gailzee said...

I am here in Montrose with Noah and June. I can fully appreciate you're disclosure of time and energy spent! It took me a couple of hours to dry my hair this morning between all the interruptions! LOL! June is just like Audrey! Wants to do everything herself! I now will have the utmost respect for you girls and wait patiently to hear from you in your Blog! Loved the pic of Maddox with the swim goggles!

Grammie Perrine said...

I do not see a vid?

lanerdoo said...

Mama, it doesn't show up on ipads...sorry!

Grammie Perrine said...