She has begun crossing her arms with a stern look and turning away when asked to perform some task, very naughty, very naughty indeed. She will learn quickly that that don't fly. Like her brothers, she is very sensitive to reprimands and discipline. I find this to be a good deal. The more sensitive, the more they hate it and respond in the positive with changed behavior. I will not write a book on this because I am no authority on the matter, these are just observations of MY children. I will say, we offer our kids GOBS of positive feedback, kudos for behavior that is beautiful, wonderful, and uplifting. We reinforce the good behavior mightily and I think that helps them to choose good over the naughty.
Playing with Auntie Reese's pretty while observing the "getting ready ritual"
Attitude? What attitude?
Grammie and all her baby-babies during the family visit my sisters talked a bit about here, and here.
Coloring has yet to be limited to just.the.paper. despite reprimands and showing what is right and what isn't, she likes to color herself. As long as it ends in childhood and she doesn't become some mohawked, tatooted Miley Cirus we'll be good.
Looking kinda "Miley" here. Keep your shirt on girl!!
Sometimes she goes missing. When this happens I first check the boy's room as she is usually reading. Sometimes she is downstairs playing with toys but usually reading.
I am not amused mom.
Lane, thank you so much for this insightful discussion on the little princess! She is a strong and vibrant addition to the Perrine family...just like another little baby girl I knew! I love you both!
My heart is spilling over with love for you and your precious children....oh, and Bing, too!
Plus.your mama looks like she could be your sister. I begging NO side by side comparison shots of the "Grammies" hear me?
Gee, a WHOLE month has gone by since you updated your blog...October 27...I wonder how long Audrey's hair is now, is Maddox Jetty no longer a babyface...hmm it is hard to imagine...soooo much time has gone by...
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