So, we made a point to make his day special back here at the homestead
He will have to choose between Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Iron Man for Halloween, so far the nun chucks have been a real hit so I can guess which way he is leaning.
If you know Jetty, you know that cookies are his favorite thing of all time. I had arranged, in a pile, packaged cookies of all sorts and he was well pleased, as evidenced by the little grin on his face. *Disclaimer:we are still working through the cookies, there was not free rein just because of his birthday.
Here he was caught in the act of sharing…ONE mini cookie! Haha!
This was better than a pile of cookies! Thanks mama Lane! I sure love your lovies!
Hurray Jetty-Boo! But on the main picture, why are your kids all in front of a pair of enormous orange breasts?
That Jetty has a face of 1000 expressions. I think he has a brilliant mind behind them, yes? Love those hoodlums!! Thanks for posting!
Happy Birthday to the Jetster! i had commented earlier but it didn't show up! Sure loved the pics and fun happenings in the Perrine House! Rock on!
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