Sunday, June 27, 2010


"I gonna bake it"... Maddox's favorite new phrase. What he means as he says this with much mischief in his voice is "I'm gonna break it". His favorite time to pull this one out is at bed time when I am trying to calm him and smooch his cheeks. It is so stinking cute, and very random. He mostly quotes phrases he has learned from me, like: made a mess, gonna bake it. He quotes other things from Bing, we'll leave those a mystery.

Things Maddox loves right now:
-holding hands and leading you around
-watermelon and corn on the cob (video included)
-balls, any type of ball. Baseball, golf, basketball and football especially
-I'm gonna get you!

Daddy has some free time during the day and has taken Maddox to the pool. Maddox throws Bing's sunglasses so he has to retrieve them and then takes a running leap into the pool with no one to catch him. I will try to get this on video, promise.

He has amazing coordination for an almost-2-year old and is very good at hitting a baseball, making contact with a golf ball and throwing. He is hilarious as he slaps the ball before lifting his leg and throwing like a real pitcher/quarterback.

Guitars are affectionately called "tars" even when singular. Same with "more"... he uses his sign language while emphatically repeating "mores, mores, mores". The kid is seriously repetitive, but does a good job of saying "pease and tay tooo". Dad is called mama, most of the time. And when he isn't gender confused, he sometimes just shouts out "Bing"!

He has a distinct lack of boundaries when mom and dad are using the bathroom, sometimes wanting to sit on your lap and read books, or sometimes getting a very close look :)

Today he kept looking at my belly and, with his hand really close to his face, waving and saying hi to his brodder (brother). He then tried to feed a blueberry to my belly button.

With each passing day, he becomes less of my baby and more of a boy. It is so much fun to watch, but also kind of sad. I hope he always likes me enough to give me hugs and kisses and tell me wild stories.


Anonymous said...

Too cute, Laney. Maddox can hold my hand and lead me on any adventure he wants too. :)

Can't wait to see you guys again in two months and to see that belly of yours!!

Miss you all, love you very much.

Anonymous said...

By the way- The below comment was listed by Piper. :)

Anonymous said...

and by below I meant above. Dang computers.

Addie said...

This is lovely - one of those mini-milestone posts you can come back to again and again and remember. I love that he's trying to feed his brudder via your belly-button (oddly appropriate, though), and that you said he loves all kinds of balls, then describe a very close look during you or Bing going to the bathroom...

Reese said...

Really enjoyed the video. Maddox is a great little talker! Missing you lately as we haven't spoken in quite awhile...looking forward to our Independence Day weekend away!

Grammie Perrine said...

Precious comments from his adoring aunties! Love this post and video. Maddox surely makes melon look delicious.

Gailzee said...

Lane! Your little Maddox is just too cute! I loved hearing his little voice with all of his words! He is really showing his athleticism and love for balls! I know because he throws to me every time he visits and he takes my hand and leads me to the front door....outside! And then we throw rocks! I sure have enjoyed getting to spend time with him!