I had my doctor's appointment on Thursday and my 2nd ultrasound on Friday and the combined results are inconclusive. My belly measured right at 30 weeks, which is "technically" correct. According to the ultrasound, baby measures in at 32 weeks. So, I feel safe saying this baby could come any time from the last week in August to the 16th of September. Also, my placenta moved up and outta the way so no worries there. Little Guy might be THE most active baby on earth. I swear he never stops moving, jabbing, kicking, rolling and sticking his butt out. It gets down right painful and sometimes gives me the feeling of motion sickness.
Bing, Maddox and I leave for Portland/Astoria on Wednesday evening. We are driving the 18 plus hours which should be really interesting with an almost 2 year old and a pregnant lady who already has the smallest bladder on the planet. If anyone has ideas on how to make that more pleasant, please advise!
We are attending a conference/rally for World Wide Group. It should be a wonderful time of learning and inspiration for the two of us, and be really instrumental in getting our business to flourish. We are trying to pursue this HARD so that it might be possible for me to stay home with the kiddos after Baby#2 arrives. Things are tight with two incomes so there is no way we can hack it without something else bringing in the $. We sold Bing's old truck after we got the suburban and we put that money away for this trip. Bing longs for the coast and it blesses me to be able to allow him time there, not to mention all of the amazing family and friends we see while there.
Here is the latest belly shot.
Thank you, placenta. Love the kissing the belly photo! Cannot wait to see you!
Well with a timeline like that, at least you will be on your toes! And isn't it interesting that now that (almost) everyone is having babies, we're just throwing around words like "placenta" in our blog titles? Soon it will be nothing but meconium, colostrum, and episiotomies, oh my!
Lane, you look fabulous! I am so happy that you get to go visit the Perrines! I know how much it means for me to get to see Noah and Maddox, Blake, Mason, Smith, and Sawyer! You are gonna do great! All that stuff Janelle said is just make believe so don't be afraid! Besides, look at your awesome boy! We get to see and hold another one! Yeah! For Babies!
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