36 weeks by my best guess. 35 weeks Dr.'s best guess.
Ask Bing and he'll tell you I have been wildly emotional, kinda crazy and a bit critical. I say, what's new? Oh, but even I have noticed my demeanor change. I am quite unbearable even to myself. This baby is superbly active still, sometimes doing acrobatics for hours on end. Last night he had a 3 hour run of somersaults and side kicks.
While I still have a month left until my due date, the doctor says that any day would be fine. All of my "practice" contractions have been doing what they are intended to do and I have already progressed farther than 14 hours of labor with Maddox.
MEN you may want to stop reading now.
I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, good news this early in the game. I am ready to meet this raucous child!
Men can read that part. They won't know what it means, for the most part. Safe!
I hope that baby comes SOON, so we can get a baby fix and a wedding fix on the same weekend. WOOP WOOP!
I don't know what you're talking about - I spent most of Saturday with you and I thought you were just peachy and pleasant (really, no sarcasm).
I will be praying your baby boy comes soon and swift! (But not too swift...just the right amount). :)
I am ready to meet this raucous child too!
Well at least you like like a million bucks...I mean really you are like the cutest thing. Just remind Bing of that and say "I can only be so wonderful"
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