I don't like hair, or cleaning up stray poop or having to remember to feed something that can't tell me that it is hungry. At least babies wear diapers and cry or tell you when they want to eat, they don't shed hair any more than the next person...
Bing caught a teeny-tiny rabbit in front of the mall. Maddox l-o-v-e-s bunnies and is so excited to have one. Although, he just threw rocks at Bing the whole time he chased the thing round and round the thorny bushes. Took about 20 minutes of Bing, dashing back and forth behind the bushes before he snagged the little bugger. Maddox wanted so bad to hold it and kiss it, but I'm pretty sure he might pull a Lenny and squish him if we let him, and I'm also pretty sure I don't want him kissing a rabbit, especially one caught, not bought.

Maddox asking if he can "hode it"
washing our hands on the sweet stool that Papa Scott built
Can that child be any more precious? Love the photo of Maddox yearning to hold the bunny and the FIRE TRUCK... Precious, I tell you. PRECIOUS!
What a cute little bunny, so what will you do with the little guy now?
That took alot of time and effort and thorns, and now all he does is poop on my work bench. ugh! But Maddox gets to see him every time we pull into the garage so I guess it was all worth it in the wash.
"teeny-tiny", "thorny bushes", 'pull a Lenny ...you, my dear, are an artist with words... Love your posts s-o-o-o-o much!!
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