Enough about that.
Maddox is still doing great in the bed, and he is learning the art of procrastination and potty tactics. Yesterday, at nap time, he attempted to get to the potty but, here is what happened.
He got out of the pull up, accidentally peed on his bed, started for the bathroom but, it was more urgent than even he knew. I came upstairs to him cheering, "I did it, I went poo poo" while holding the potty tray and showing me his victory. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of his failure, lying in the doorway to his room. At least he was trying to get to the potty! Ah, the joy of toddlers.
Jetty is starting to get into the new schedule I am enforcing for him. In bed by 9:30 and if he wakes up before 8am, he gets transferred to the pack-n-play in the other room so he can cry it out without disturbing the rest of the house. The last few nights he just decided that sleeping is good and he passed on the crying, yay!
Mom leaves tomorrow for Israel so it was great spending the day at her place, away from Realtors, in the sunshine, playing baseball, and running the length of the property to gather rocks and then throw them into the ditch. Mom got a sassy new hair cut too, look at how pretty she is. I ADORE my family.
Wow Monica's trip seemed to have come up fast! I hope she and Gma have a great time!
I'm sure your home sparkled and glistened in reward of your efforts!! I hope things go smoothly~ for all your projects!
I adore you and your family, too!
How could you ever get mad at those adorable little faces! They are just too sweet! I love Monica's hair cut! Awesome for the trip! Everyone I know is praying for them but I thought I'd just remind everybody to do a little extra! And we can pray about your house selling and the Bedford Condo as well! Love to all!
Your family is too great, and those boys are cuter every time you post!! good luck with the house, the neighborhood alone is such a great advantage that I bet it will go fast!
Please tell me the "poo trail" was not on the morning of the Realtor's tour after sstaying up all night cleaning! Ummm why is Maddox sporting a military haircut? Was there another mishap? PS. Monica looks fabulous
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