Monday, February 28, 2011

For Sale

We met with some Realtors again today. After an ineffective stint, trying to sell on our own, we decided to let the best have a crack at it. Ron and Betty Bergland are an amazing couple, they work as a team and are so very sweet. While Ron was going through papers with us, Betty was bouncing and talking Jetty to sleep. He was cooing and gurgling and chatting up a storm for Betty until he conked out.

What they do...
They take a bazillion pictures and virtual tour and they list their homes on every site imaginable. They get it out into as many places as they can and do a darn good job. They are leagues above the other Realtors that we considered as far as their presentation and process. They have nice color copy handouts, market analysis and comparables and they take the time to talk you through it all and explain why they want to price it where they do.

As they were getting up to leave, Betty said "We'll start praying now". I just love that! It wasn't insinuating that it would be difficult to sell but, that they entrust their business to God. Amen, R&B :)

I am excited for what is to come, I feel like I am vibrating these days. Each chapter of our life just gets better and better. I feel a new season of growth coming, and while that usually isn't EASY, it sure is fun!


Unknown said...

I will act selfishly and tell you to move here and not to Seattle. So that is settled.

Reese said...

So many great things ahead for you guys. Your energy & passion for your business and your family is infectious. I like to be around you!

Gailzee said...

Lane, that just sounds awesome. I especially liked the part where she is bouncing Jetty to sleep! I had so much fun yesterday getting to hold and smooch on that little one myself!
I pray God's will for you guys. I'm happy to hear that you are excited and expectant about your future plans! We love you and want for you all the best!

Grammie Perrine said...
