Too bad this is the best shot I got :(
Christmas Eve day the kids enjoyed the snow and their favorite neighbor boy, Jared, he is so gracious and sweet to our kids, despite the 7 year age difference.
Christmas Eve we had Jennifer stay the night since her plans were foiled by a damaged Aircraft wing… we sure are thankful they found it before take off! Since we had 4 adults, we played a silly game of Hand and Foot while wearing our plaid Christmas jammies.
Julian and his tiiiiny leettle mustache
Christmas morning started off at a very reasonable hour, sometime after 7:30, maybe even closer to 9:00.
Happy, happy Audgy
It was relaxed and not rushed and really could have ended after the stockings since the kids were absolutely thrilled with the trinkets that had filled them.
It seemed as though the presents would never end and by the time we were through, the living room was buried in boxes and tissue.
The kids mostly got educational toys which makes me feel less guilty about the quantity. Maddox got the Leap Pad2 and Jetty got a Leapster and they have really enjoyed them, especially in our travels (we have already changed the batteries twice since Christmas,yowza!).
Bing served up an incredible prime rib dinner and I made the best.loaf.of.bread.ever. Somehow, the same recipe I always use came out beyond wonderful, better than I have ever made it which is really cruel considering I have developed an intolerance to gluten…sometimes it is just worth suffering :)
We feel very blessed in our life, and especially so throughout the Christmas season. Thank you family and friends for sharing your time with us and showering us with gifts. We are so grateful for you, our family and pray your Christmas was a delight too. But more importantly, we pray you felt the goodness of our God in the last year and are beseeching Him for an even more incredible 2013.
Love to you all
This was a WONDERFUL surprise post..Maddox the Lamb, Jetty's "hay-lo" and then crash and burn..the wonderful shot of the aftermath...all the joy, sweetness, and goofiness..oh how I love your dear family!
I was surprised too to find you had posted Christmas just after the Thanksgiving post! Thank you! Seeing your Christmas was delightful! I loved watching the kids when you were in Billings! What sweet little people! I am so happy to see all the joy in your home! God has really blessed you Perrine Family!!
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