Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I'm so behind!

How do people make time, regularly to update these bloggy things? I find, that being home and having almost nothing of a schedule makes for a whole lot of time wasted. I am working toward disciplining myself in event management, I have the same 24 hours as the rest of the world but WHAT am I spending it on?! Dishes and tidying mostly, at least that is how it feels… Maddox no longer takes a daily nap and the other two don't always synchronize their sleep times leaving me with little time to just sit and let my thoughts spill out into this space. Not to mention, my process for blogging takes a good 2 hours. With holidays, company, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and such, I have had more activities than childless free-time. I usually go to bed around !:30am after trying to cram in my household duties, bits of projects, reading, & Words with Friends after the kids go to bed. I really don't like this schedule but I hate waking early equally…oh the dilemma!

We hosted Barney, Marcia, and our niece Danica, a week before Christmas. We had all sorts of fun in those few days. We went on a cruise across the lake to see Santa and make sure the kids made the "nice" list, had early Christmas, did some sledding, played card games and generally had a blast.

Pretty, pretty girls

What a happy couple, and what a great example of loyalty and life long commitment.

Da boys

The snow this week is more amazing and we have the PERFECT sledding hill for a back yard.

"dude, nice run"!

See, I was there too!

sneaking cookies

poor visibility but, the sound is the best part anyway


Addie said...

"Is he talking to me?!"

And your second video is marked private. Need to change that setting before anyone else can see it!
Love you, lady!

Grammie Perrine said...

Love it ALL...except the photo of the REALLY ugly at lady sitting next to the handsome guy with the cane!

Grammie Perrine said...

*fat lady

gailzee said...

You are ALL beautiful! What a fun Christmas and post! Thank you Lane for giving us your time and talents!
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2013 to everyone Perrine!