Miss A, she is one sassy britches, diva. The youngest child and the only girl, we certainly will need to be on top of things and be sure we don't just cater to every squawk and cry. We are off to a poor start.
For her birthday we made pancakes and fresh whipped cream,
This is terrible quality but it is the best I could get…
She opened a few presents and then she went right back down for her nap.
Later in the afternoon we went out for fancy cupcakes and let the girl have at it.
It was pleasant and laid back but, I'm willing to bet they get more and more wild with each passing year.
She is now able to walk for short stints and is standing up all by herself, without furniture! She really loves solid food, particularly whatever we are eating. She holds her own in the daily wrestling matches and grabs Jetty by his hair to control him. She thinks her brothers are wonderful and giggles at Maddox and his silly antics. Maddox really loves getting up in her face and goofing around to elicit her giggles, he loves helping her to walk about and sings "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to soothe her when she is crying. She answers "yaaa" in the affirmative when I ask her questions, signs "all done" and claps for "more", she says "hi" to everyone, which is the cutest thing ever. She is slightly below average for height, slightly above for weight, and her head circumference is off the charts(no surprise there). I still kiss her cheeks uncontrollably all day, everyday. She is the most kissable little angel baby and I am grateful everyday for my baby girl.
Happy Birthday Angle baby! How great! Thanks for sharing!
Oh my heavens...she is a precious princess...and Uncle Julian makes a befitting throne...with lightning fast reflexes to rescue cake before all was lost! Loved this vid...tried to get a vid of Grandpa watching it...now THAT was precious!
She will be the Lil queenie with darling subjects at her beckoning. Love that sweet pea. She sure has her own style at eating her cupcake. Thanks for posting.
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