I finally got a cute video of my sweet boy. He loves chatting and often times chatters himself to sleep. He now sleeps through the night and has a wonderful temperament, although, he generally refuses to take a bottle from Bing. When I work, Bing takes him over to his brother's house so Julian can give him a bottle!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
It has been too long!
Maddox is three months now and has already started to rebel against his father. You see, Bing is a Boston fan, so Madnasty chose to support the Yankees, and when Bing says "smile" Maddox throws this one out.

We babysat Karissa's son, Kaden, for a few hours the other day and he decided that Maddox needed his bear, which happens to be the bear I got for Christmas when I was 1 year old. He actually enjoyed having the bear along as his buddy.

Posing for the camera. Just thought you might like to see us together, we do get some alone time, and by "alone time" I mean, Bing, Julian and I.... Ha!

Family photo op in front of the falls and my twin sleepers. I wonder who Maddox takes after?? He looks, sleeps, eats and farts like his dad. Sorry to go there, but it is so funny and true!

Three generations of Burchfields. That is Bing's great uncle Burch; the wonderful man who Bing and Maddox got their middle name from.
We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Nutting/Freese clan in Billings, while the rest of the family was in Bozeman at the Schuyler's wonderful new home. It was quieter than I am used to (no Womacks), but a very fun and peaceful time. We opened the wine bar at 4pm on Thanksgiving, and Julian Bing and I "worked" together. Either we closed too early, or no one came downtown that night because we only had two people come in. I think we were too early personally, Montanans love their alcohol.

The Mamas and their boys, what a handsome bunch!
Uncle Julian gave Maddox a wrestling singlet and really wanted a picture of Mad Max pinning his semi-cousin Noah. Noah was a way better sport than Maddox, and he was on bottom!Maddox cried over the ordeal, yet another rebellious act against his father; He is more emotional than Bing would like : )
Posing for the camera. Just thought you might like to see us together, we do get some alone time, and by "alone time" I mean, Bing, Julian and I.... Ha!
More from Oregon
Maddox and his first trip to the ocean, his reaction was a yippee and an enthusiastic thumbs up!
Family photo op in front of the falls and my twin sleepers. I wonder who Maddox takes after?? He looks, sleeps, eats and farts like his dad. Sorry to go there, but it is so funny and true!
Three generations of Burchfields. That is Bing's great uncle Burch; the wonderful man who Bing and Maddox got their middle name from.
Where HAVE I been?
I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last post. I never meant to do that to you all, it is just that we don't pay for internet and the network that we were leeching off of just disappeared several weeks ago. I strongly believe this is the cause of my mood change; I am just not the same person without my internet...
Maddox is a big ball of smiles these days and squeals with joy when I tickle him all over.
We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Nutting/Freese clan in Billings, while the rest of the family was in Bozeman at the Schuyler's wonderful new home. It was quieter than I am used to (no Womacks), but a very fun and peaceful time. We opened the wine bar at 4pm on Thanksgiving, and Julian Bing and I "worked" together. Either we closed too early, or no one came downtown that night because we only had two people come in. I think we were too early personally, Montanans love their alcohol.
The Mamas and their boys, what a handsome bunch!
Uncle Julian gave Maddox a wrestling singlet and really wanted a picture of Mad Max pinning his semi-cousin Noah. Noah was a way better sport than Maddox, and he was on bottom!Maddox cried over the ordeal, yet another rebellious act against his father; He is more emotional than Bing would like : )
Ok...This was a long one. I was trying to play catch up. Hopefully I can update more frequently, for everyone's sake.
Til next time!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Bing's younger brother, Julian, moved to Billings and has joined the Bin 119 family. I have started to ease back into work. I worked the day Bartender shift for the last two Saturdays and will be working three shifts this week. Bing is officially the General Manager and we should be seeing more $$$$ here soon. Yipeeeeeee! 
I got a really nice camera as a wedding/birthday present so the quality, and probably quantity, of my photos should drastically improve.
I'm trying to figure out how to use Flickr to create a slideshow of photos and have been unsuccessful thus far. I need a personal tutor, I think.
Maddox has figured out that he likes his fist and is smiling a lot more. He has "fun time" at about 8 am and again around 6 pm. By "fun time" I mean he is fed, not sleeping or upset, he smiles and coos and just hangs out with us for about 45 minutes before he needs to go back to sleep.
I HATE Luvs diapers!!!
More to come...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Fall fun!
Maddox and his favorite new nuk... Thanks grammie Marcia!
P.S. I do love me some latte!
Madnasty in his killer punkin digs courtesy of my good friend Adriane
Lookin' good buddy, lookin good.

The Schuyler family came for the weekend so the boys could have some fun. It was Bing's first time pheasant hunting and he was successful!
The Schuyler family came for the weekend so the boys could have some fun. It was Bing's first time pheasant hunting and he was successful!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bing, Maddox and I h
ad the opportunity to fly out to Astoria, OR and visit Bing's side of the family and all of their friends. Maddox was a perfect angel on the plane (both ways) and slept the entire time, although he did need a diaper change the second we boarded the flight out of Billings. Barney (Bing's dad) picked us up from the Portland Airport and when we arrived at the house, Marcia and Bing's sister Tif were waiting eagerly....they were clapping and jumping and grammy Marcia cried when she got to hold Madnasty for the first time.
She also blessed us by bathing the boy
in their spacious new sink...

it (the sink) was very nice and so was he!
She also blessed us by bathing the boy
in their spacious new sink...
it (the sink) was very nice and so was he!
Bing's brother, Julian, has a great camera with all of my photos of the trip. I used his camera for all of my pics because I forgot to charge our camera before we left, sooooo, I will post a bunch of awesome photos of our time in Oregon once I receive them!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Family Photos
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Eyes wide open
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sleeping on Bing's face
Little Bug
He may have a future in Modeling
Precious little angel
Soooo peaceful
What's up?
He always sleeps in weird positions when Dad is
holding him. They are so very cute together.
My favorite little kissy lips
Hanging with auntie Reese
Dad's first attempt at diapering. At least he
changes the diapers, who cares if they stay on....right?
He was sooo angry after his first bath. The
subsequent washings have gone much better.
I'm thinking it was too cold.
My favorite men.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Maddox Burchfield Perrine
We had a long, painful labor, working through 14 hours of hard labor before I received my beloved epidural and another 4 1/2 hours of painless, "fun" labor. I won't get into the nitty gritty details, but after half an hour of pushing we were blessed with a handsome little man.
Maddox Burchfield Perrine was born at 8:25 PM on September 5th. He weighed 8lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Why Not?
I have always liked to be different and pave my own way, so I have been fighting the urge to start a blog. I didn't want to be one of those... baby bloggers. I give up, why the hell not. He is a cute kid and the world should see what an awesome baby Bing and I made. Here you go world, eat it up!
I'll do my best to keep it up to date, but I can't make any guarantees. And don't get your hopes up that I will write delicious, funny stories like Reese and Addie, cause I just can't handle that pressure. Lucky for me you all have to love me regardless...
I'll do my best to keep it up to date, but I can't make any guarantees. And don't get your hopes up that I will write delicious, funny stories like Reese and Addie, cause I just can't handle that pressure. Lucky for me you all have to love me regardless...
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