Oh ya, we entered a picture of Maddox in the Carhartt Cutest Kid Contest and then forgot about it. We didn't vote, and we certainly didn't tell anyone else to vote either.... he won week three. Nothing major, just a $10 gift card to Shiptons, but very funny to receive that in the mail after completely forgetting about it. We decided we might enter another photo so we made him a fringed, cut off onesie and dolled him up for a photo shoot, and by "we" I mean Bing. Here is the first winning photo, he is soooo sweet, I LOVE his face!
Oh, that little tongue! How cute, he's is sooo adorable, so much personality in those little looks! Congrats on the new male modeling career. Careful though, I've been watching Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC, those moms are pretty nutso. It always starts with the one contest then before you know it...
What a cutie! I hope mine is that adorable! I can't wait to meet the little man--let's hope for April 11th!
Too cute! And I agree with Hannah, watch out!
I love your bangs, by the way :)
You made a fringed onesie? I am speechless.
My favorite is 'bouncy tongue'.
**I'm implementing a new blog game - we'll call it "word verification Balderdash." Take the 'word' they give you to verify before posting your comment and invent its definition. Mine is "reemance"...a second attempt at wooing your lover. Please play along!
I love the "balderdash" idea! This could get interesting and challenging....I accept the challenge, next time. This one is impossible :) (tantshl)
Bouncy tongue is also my favorite, and I loved getting to see you guys last weekend! He's an awfully cute kid, even if Bing insists on the fringed onesie and singlet.
Dear Lord.
Birkenstocks for your kosher/kabbalah/organic bichon frise.
I told you that my grandson is the cutest baby in the WORLD. $10 today $10 million tomorrow. I cannot view the Growling Video - it says something like "previously posted" or some such nonsense. . . dang it! My BALDERDASH word is licketin... AND I AM NOT GOING TO GO THERE...I am sure Bing would have a lovely definition.
Mama P
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