Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Bing continues to have palpitations and shortness of breath on a daily basis. The shortness of breath in nearly constant and has made working almost impossible. He sleeps very little, even with ambien, he only gets a couple of hours each night and then attempts to work half days in the mornings.

Bing has an appointment on Wednesday morning with a pulmonologist to run tests on his lungs. They are trying to rule out any other causes for his shortness of breath, high resting heart rate and fatigue. Bing's normal resting heart rate is in the 50-60 range, lately it has been 80-100. He has asked that they consider moving the valve replacement to October or sometime soon. He is, understandably, tired of feeling awful and wants to move on with life. The sooner they do the surgery the sooner he can recover.

Ok. I started to post and didn't finish so here is the rest. We saw the pulmonologist this morning and he wants to do a sleep study on Bing. He believes that Bing suffers from sleep apnea, which isn't super serious but could be contributing to Bing's fatigue and isn't particularly great for your heart. The study is scheduled for next Thursday.

Also, I now am suffering from...... shingles! Shingles is stress induced, in the same family as chicken pox, painful and suuuuuper itchy. It gets worse before it gets better, although valtrex and hydrocodone are helping me cope. I still want to scratch the skin off of my right thigh ( that is where the outbreak is).

Maddox is still healthy and getting taller and funnier by the day. I have lots to update on and will do my best to catch you all up on our lives. Love you all!

P.S. Happy "27th " Birthday Tiff!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I drive by your apartment all the time since we live up in Alkali now, and I think of you guys everytime. Let me know what they say about the sleep apnea thing because I do work in that field, and have talked to lots of people about solutions that don't involve drugs or external machines. Luv you guys!

aubyn said...

Im glad you write about all the things I forget to ask when I see you :)
I think that means I need to see you more so we have enough time to go through everything

aubyn said...

also I like the new background :)

Addie said...

I am glad that shingles is treatable, though my heart hurts for you all. What a hell sammie, hey?

That little boy is just the cutest thing EVER, and I am surprised his has any cheeks left after all the snacking you must do on them.

Janelle Wilson said...

Valtrex. Herpes. Ha.

Smiling through the pain. :)

holly gannett said...

OH no I know what you are going through with the Shingles thing... I HAD THEM while I was in college, yes stress related for sure. Did you know the reason it hurts so bad is because of something with your nerves?! I can't remember how to explain it but I let mine get so bad before I went in because I just thought I had a rash and when it hurt to breathe and all I could do was cry I finally went in ( I had them around my chest and stomach, so my chest was killing me, I remember just laying there and all of a sudden the pain would come on and I felt like I was going die and my nerves were ging to burst haha, man it was terrible). I hope they caught it early enough so it doesn't get that bad, but yes you are right they only get worse before they get better. Geez it gives me the chills just thinking about it!!

Hope you are feeling better soon and hope Bing gets some sleep and the test results help out, whether it explains some things or just so you guys get some answers :) We are thinking about you guys!!

See you soon... I am coming to MT AGAIN in September YAH!!!

Grammie Perrine said...

Lane - Have you notified Dr. Linker at UW? Maybe some adjustment in his med or the pacemaker can be made so Bing can sleep. I am crying here. I am so so sorry for all your troubles. Please follow up with Jenn.. especially if there is a solution that does not include drugs or external machines.

Grammie Perrine said...

Julian had shingles and knows your pain as well. On a brighter note, that baby is the cutest thing on this earth.

Be sure that Bing tells all his Harbor friends that daddy is reviving the band KIDCO at the Aberdeen Eagles on Aug 21 for a fundrasier for you. Kurt Cobain used to like to watch Kidco when he was 16 or 17 so that is our claim to fame.