Monday, August 31, 2009


It has been awhile, I know. Bing and Maddox made it back to me in one piece. They left on a Tuesday and came home last Monday. It was almost a whole week, and I was very lonely. I have learned that I don't like to be left alone for that long!

Bing was able to be in Washington for the benefit at the Eagles. Kidco rocked the house and fun was had by all. It was a great turnout and Bing's fellow harborites blessed us immensely...once again.

We have spent the last week setting up appointments and doing some research on continuing Bing's education. It is looking as though Bing will be going back to school, either to get his Bachelor of Science in Nursing or his Teaching Certificate in Special Education. I'll let you know when it is official. Either way, there are programs to pay for his schooling, woohoo!

Testing continues and surgery is uncertain. Basically, because we have no insurance, and no way to pay for a new valve, they will probably wait until it is a life or death situation, or, we miraculously get some sort of coverage.

Bing's cardiologist wants to explore some sort of anti-depressant, on the chance that his symptoms are a result of situational depression. Cardiologists can't prescribe that medication so we have to see yet another doctor.

Bing still isn't sleeping well, he has palpitations quite often, shortness of breath, fatigue etc. My biggest stress right now is watching Bing's misery day in and day out, and then leaving him with a baby while I go to work. I do well 90% of the time and then I break and have a day of crying and lamenting. We discussed all of that last night, Bing and I, and we agree that something wonderfully amazing is going to come of this. We don't know what that looks like, but we will celebrate this trial in the end.

On a much happier note, Maddox will be 1 year old on Saturday! So much has happened in the last year that it just flew by; we should really make a movie of our life.

I don't have many pictures, but I'll pick up the pace!


aubyn said...

I think you are fabulous.

And Maddox in the cupboards is classic! What a look!!

Grammie Perrine said...

Lane - my heart is breaking for you. I feel "helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless" as Neil Young used to sing.I am networking and trying to find help, money, divine intervention, anything that will ease your pain. I love you and I thank you for loving my son! Kiss my baby for me.... both of them! Kisses - mama

Janelle Wilson said...

Woo hoo for continuing education!! You know I am a tad partial to teaching, but both are noble professions, where Bing would serve well. Your attitude despite all of these hardships is amazing. Hang in there.

(And by the way, my word verification thing that I had to type to post this is "dabing". Ironic, or what??)

Anonymous said...

I think we can all understand the infrequent posting. You ARE incredible and doing a phenomenal job as a wife and mother through these hard times. Your reward for your faithfulness will be well deserved. Thanks for the photos :)

Tracy Miniken (prev Moody) said...

I am a long time friend of the family (used to babysit the "kids") and my mom cut the Perrine's hair for years. You have a wonderful guy on your hands and a beautiful son. Thanks for sharing them with us when they came to the Harbor. We'l have to meet you one of these days.

Grammie Perrine said...

Lane - Tracy "ran" the show at the Stiffy's benefit and stepped up again at the KIDCO event, taking care of the Silent Auctions, while Madnasty and I stole away for sleep (him) and A/C (me). She is an angel on earth.

Addie said...

I love you sister - you are doing well. And you are all in our prayers, especially Bing-A-Ling, for his comfort and health. Gotta get an email out to you with a possible insurance lead (from a friend)...

Gailzee said...

Baby in a box! Baby in the cabinets! How cute IS HE!? Let me know if I can help! Love to you! Todd and I say the same sure don't go thru this kind of stuff and not come out better on the other end!God love ya!