Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Lord seems to be going before us and scheduling doctors appointments, cause no one gets this lucky. Bing was scheduled for the sleep study to be done August 21, they called us back the next day and asked if he could come in that night! Then he was supposed to schedule an appointment with his cardiologist, Dr. Ford, who was out of her office for two weeks and doing a rotation at the hospital, he couldn't get in for 6 weeks. Her nurse called us right back and said that Dr. Ford wanted to see Bing on Monday.

Monday, we met with the pulmonary doc to discuss the sleep study and while we were there, Dr. Ford joined in the meeting! Bing does not have sleep apnea, in fact, he has a very normal sleep pattern, when he sleeps.

Monday, before the meeting with our Docs, Bing had an echo cardiogram and then they also did an EKG right before the meeting. The problem isn't cut and dry and Dr. Ford is as frustrated as we are that we can't pinpoint a specific cause. Obviously, Bing's heart is leaky, but why the sudden decline and health problems when his heart doesn't "look that bad".

We are pressing for the valve replacement, the sooner, the better. Bing would have it done tomorrow if they would let him. We are praying constantly that God would open doors and make things happen in His time. He knows Bing's heart better than anybody, he created it.

We were denied Medicaid, my job is almost worthless, and we continue to have Dr. visit after Dr. visit.
I believe that all of this is happening for a purpose and that much good will come of it, but sometimes it is hard to remember that in the moment and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

We trust. And now we wait.


Grammie Perrine said...

Oh angel... I love you so and hope you are feeling better (physically). I cannot imagine the mental toll. Is it possible to appeal Medicaid's decision?

Anonymous said...

Yay for no sleep apnea! That is a huge relief. If he does get a valve replacement, his sleep will be so essential to recovery. You can do this, you are stronger than you know.

Addie said...

I'm overwhelmed for you guys... but my heart and prayers are with you.