Thursday, May 27, 2010

Moving right along

I had my second prenatal visit yesterday. They still aren't changing my due date, so they said I am 24 weeks but I measure 25 weeks. I'll go with the latter. The doctor could hardly find his heartbeat because he is SOOOOOO active. Let me tell you, I feel this stinker all day, everyday, every knee, elbow, and heel. I think because I sit all day long there is no lulling him and he is squished by my lap so he revolts against me and jabs every which direction.

I have a low lying placenta which isn't terrible, just something to watch. If it doesn't self-correct, it will mean a c-section. So, I go in for another ultrasound in about two months to make sure it has moved up and outta the way.

Maddox is as spunky and sweet as ever. I notice little attitude changes from being around other naughty kids but nothing that doesn't iron out about and hour after I pick him up. That "stuff" don't fly with mama.

He loves the moon and says it so adoringly "moooon". Last night it was covered by clouds and I asked "where did it go"? With a shrug and a worried look he repeated," "waid-i-go" a pause and then very excitedly "oh, MOOOOON"!

He has lots of words now and learns more every day. I will soon have a talker on my hands and me-thinks he will never stop. He already babbles on and on with inflections and expressions that make you believe he is having a serious conversation.
From 2010-05-16

From 2010-05-16

Maddox either hold his fork with one hand and puts the food in his mouth with the other or he picks up the food and tries to push it onto the tongs, stabbing the food is still foreign.

Getting ready to play outside. Hats aren't a favorite but with white hair and semi-fair skin, a necessity.


aubyn said...

Hurray thanks for the update! I just asked Hans what a low lying placenta is so it was also a learning opportunity for me ;)

Are you guys feeling better? How is the cough?

Reese said...

Is a low-lying placenta like placental previa? How fun to talk about your placenta on your blog! :) I love the picture of you and Mad-Dog - please make me a copy or e-mail it to me!

lanerdoo said...

Yes Reese, if the low lying placenta doesn't move upward as everything grows (which is its natural tendency) then it becomes placenta previa, and you cannot deliver the placenta first. Which is why they then do a c-section.

Janelle Wilson said...


Grammie Perrine said...

I love "that stuff don't fly with mama" and "waid-i-go" ...."oh, MOOOOON"! Love these posts, Laney-Bird. Does an old gramme's heart good.