It is the morning of Bing's Electro Physiology test. The kind nurses woke him up at 5:20 this morning, I got here a bit before 6:00.
Mom and Dad Myers are on their way over from Spokane and are picking up Piper on the way. Marcia is back at the condo with Maddox and the phone calls have started. I brought my charger with me, knowing full well the amount of texts and calls that will be exchanged today :)
Bing's older sister, Tiffany (aka Sissy), took Maddox back to the harbor on Friday and brought him back yesterday. Their whole family seems to have really enjoyed the visitor, despite several MASSIVE blowouts. I sent a jar of prunes for Maddox and as it turns out, he only needs a spoonful every couple of weeks. He ate the prunes on Friday and is still having amazing "movements" three days later.
Apparently, Maddox had poo in his neck rolls, armpits and all over his legs. Sissy had poo all over her arms and legs and a nice spot on her carpet :) Better you than me Sis!
Maddox slept with Sissy and her husband Nick, and according to the stories I heard was not a very peaceful sleeper. He slapped, kicked and wiggled and at one point fell asleep with a handful of Nick's chest hair. What a little sweetheart.
Cousins, Adara and Danica, spoiled him with unending affection and playtime and even shared a Popsicle and an apple, only to pull it away with mass quantities of baby slobber all over!
I forgot to pack my camera cable, so I am unable to post pictures, but the second I am able I will share every single one of them.
On another note. One of Bing's doctors graduated with my Cousin, Jarred Freese, some of you might know him. He is kind of a big deal. Anyway, Amanda Shepherd says hello to the Freese Family. She is super sassy and she gets my humor. Smart cookie too, she is only 26!
Amanda is in the front row on the far left.

We're praying for good things. May the Lord's hand be made evident in you and Bing's lives, and may he live long to tell often of God's great love!
And yes, Jarred Freese IS kind of a big deal.
Ha ha Jarred is on top of the Doctor Pyramid. man its a small world sometimes!
You can save the pictures of the poop in the neck rolls. Some things should be kept in the family. We've been thinking of Bingathy often and of you and Madocious. Be well!
Holy cow how funny! Amanda is one smart cookie and super sweet too! How funny, she'll take good care of you guys!
Glad Bing's family is there to take care of you all - and that Mom and Pop Myers are on their way. What would we do without our families?! Much love and many, MANY prayers we are sending Seattle-ward.
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