Friday, June 26, 2009

No Emergency Yet

So... they are taking their time and doing lots of tests. All of the tests, although time consuming, make certain that they don't perform a surgery that isn't needed. After meeting with three doctors (one of which saw Bing the last time he was flown into Seattle), we got some fuzzy answers and a plan for tomorrow. His heart is no worse than the last time he was seen. Since his condition hasn't progressed, they are hesitant to do a valve replacement, as it is a major surgery and not necessarily the answer to our problems.

They will be doing a test tomorrow where they insert some "wiring" in through his groin, up the veins, and to his heart. This allows them to deliver shocks and monitor how his heart is wired. Because he has had corrective surgery (at 14 months old) he has some scars in his heart, these scars can act as a short circuit, where the "electricity" goes round and round the scar and doesn't make it to it's destination. During this procedure, if they find such issues, they can make, what is essentially another scar, to close the circuit so that the "electricity" is routed in the right direction.

If this goes well, and they determine that Bing's issues stem from "electrical" problems and not from his valve, they will not replace it. He may or may not be getting a pacemaker and/or a defibrillator.

This test will answer a lot of questions as far as how long we will be here, and what they will ultimately do to Bing. If he doesn't have to have his valve replaced we may be out of the hospital as soon as Monday.

Bing's former Aunt has an amazing apartment overlooking downtown and the Space Needle and has made it available to all of us, and has agreed to accommodate me when everyone else has to return to work. It is ten minutes from the hospital and she even has a cute little porto-crib so I didn't have to bring my pack-n-play.

For all of you Medical people that read this... don't judge me for my terminology and limited understanding of all of this. I took notes and everything but I am in a pitch black room with Maddox relating all of this from memory. Feels like college!

I know and believe that God is bigger than all of this, he has a plan that is better than anything we could have dreamed. I believe that this is a blessing from which Bing will enjoy a better quality, and much longer life. We truly appreciate all of the love, support, and prayers that have been extended to us. Thank you for being available, even if I haven't called you back.


aubyn said...

Thanks for the post! I know how busy you guys must be.
I am happy to hear that the doctors are able to take their time and perform tests. :) Maybe you could have some fun on this impromptu family reunion? ha ha ha
love you!

Erica Burkhalter said...

Thank you for the update! We are in Seattle right now and every time I get on the freeway and get stuck in their crazy traffic I have been praying for you and Bing. I can't even fathom how scary all of this must be, but from your post you seem to have a positive attitude which is highly admirable. We will continue to pray for health, wisdom from Bing's doctors, and for peace. Bing's lucky to have you by his side.

Hannah said...

UW is the BEST at what they do. You are in safe hands! If you get tired of his room walk down to back of the hospital toward the canal and pick some blackberries and bring them back up to Bing. Remember that you need rest too caring for two boys! We love you are praying for you and we will never judge your medical writing, silly!