Thursday, June 4, 2009

Where to start?!

Since it has been so long, there is a lot to update you on!

Maddox has both of his bottom front teeth.
He weighs 20lbs 2 oz
He refuses to crawl, and is no closer to walking...good for me!!!!
He loves the baby swing at the park
He love, love, loves animals, fire, and water. All of these make him wiggle and squeal with delight.

He is a wonderful camper. This point gets extra emphasis because Bing and I were there for the twins first attempt at camping and it did NOT go well. We were nervous that he wouldn't like the tent, the new sounds and smells, dad's snoring etc... He was a champ the first time, waking up twice but settling back down. The second time, he slept for 13 hours straight, not a peep, a grunt, or a cry. We actually checked him several times to be sure he was breathing!

I bundled him up in a footed sleeper and his snowsuit with hand flaps to keep every little bit covered and warm. He was sleeping on his stomach and looked like a kid that had fallen down with arms outstretched and then couldn't get up. It was very funny, yet sweet.

He eats solid food at every meal and is weaning himself from breastfeeding. He only wants me in the morning and right before bed. He does, however, love to bounce his face off of my chest which makes me laugh and then he looks at me with a scrunched up face and kind of snort/laughs.

Bing is really enjoying the construction business and seems to be quite good at it. I am working 3 to 4 days a week at the wine bar while Bing stays with the boy. We are seriously hoping that we will win the Lottery so that we can afford to do more of the things that we love, but mostly so that we would be able to jet back and forth between MT and OR. We've been missing all of our family out west and Bing longs for more temperate weather:)

More pictures to come!


aubyn said...

Im afraid even the lottery won't help the weather.
Those photos are great! What a handsome young man you have!!

Janelle Wilson said...

I haven't seen little Docious (short for Madocious of course) in forever! Things are looking good for the Perrine Fam. Hope to see you all soon.

Grammie Perrine said...

I love the "1st time in a swing" and the "baby waterfall" pix. Your family photo is amazing! I get all happy/sad each time I visit - love seeing everyone looking so happy and healthy but I want to kiss and hug you all.

Grammie Perrine said...

Maddox will be 9 MONTHS OLD TOMORROW! Cannot wait for the next photo in "Watch Maddox Grow"

Gailzee said...

Dear Lane,Bingger and Madsteronimous, I am so happy to see your internet restored! I have missed you guys terribly! Your baby is just amazing! He enjoys every thing that little humans are suppose to have a natural fear of...loud noises, falling and fire! What ever you're feeding that kid keep it up! Sorry I missed your call last weekend...I was in Helena playing tennis! Would have loved hangin with the boy-wonder!

Lindsey K said...

Hey, glad to hear the camping is a hit...Chad left that tent in Billings for you guys to pick up if you still want it. He will be back in Billings on Monday too so call him. I still have not camped yet this summer and we were going to today but it is snowing so I opted out :)

Reese said...

Glad your little guy took to camping much better than mine! We are anxious to try (camping) again soon but it needs to warm up a bit. We'd like to see y'all soon, too!