Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mobile Maddox

Maddox was playing nicely in the living room so I went to the kitchen, ten feet away, to get a cup of coffee. When I turned back around, Maddox had dumped my purse, and all of the Milk duds that were in it. He smacked his lips a couple of times, indicating that the dud in his mouth was making him salivate even more than usual. I felt around in his mouth for the dud and found nothing, but he continued to work his mouth and drool sweet caramel. I finally pried what looked like a caramel retainer from the roof of his mouth.

About half an hour later I found Maddox laying on his back with his feet propped up, looking at a magazine! Unfortunately I didn't get a picture, but Maddox sure showed me a sassy side today.


aubyn said...

Ha ha he is so cute! At least you have a cute scoundrel!

Addie said...

HELLA cute. Do I get to see you this weekend?

Grammie Perrine said...

Oh dear - keep my grandbaby away from Moose - I hear their droppings resemble a pile of Milk Duds and I shudder to think...