Oh my goodness, my heart is overflowing. Maddox is the sweetest toddler on the face of this earth. Tonight is his first night in a bed. Just as soon as I had the bedding on it, he climbed in. He gave me a hug, said "dreams" because I always say sweet dreams when he goes to bed, and then he pushed me away and snuggled in.
When I peeked in on him, this was the scene. He climbed out of bed, got his beloved baseball, glove and hat and got back into bed. And he didn't even make a peep when my noisy and bright flash went off to capture the moment. What a good kid, I really adore him...
I cannot take much more of his preciousness or my heart will BURST! I adore him.... and you ...and Bing ...and Jetty!
What a sweet little man.....and that Jetty is shaping up to be equally as delicious!
That is dear. Thanks for the visit on Saturday - it was really great to see you guys! And so far, the flexible glue on the mask is working well, so we're in the all clear. :) Maddox is so TOUGH!
That is the cutest thing ever! Thanks for sharing that moment ;)
What a perfect little angel! He is just precious! Can't wait to se what the Jetster is like!
I wanted to comment on the utter cuteness of the post but now I am totally distracted with Addie's comment about getting to see you. Wha-wha-what!?! Were you in Bozeman? Did you dare to only visit one sister while here? :)
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