Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Children for sale, you haul

My goodness. Jetty thinks that he is the boss of me, every forty-five minutes he wants to eat for five minutes before falling asleep. And when I go to lay him down he wakes up screaming bloody murder until he is nursing again. Every so often he will accept a bottle but, it is NOT the preferred method.

So, after several hours of battling the little devil, he fell asleep again. I asked Bing to take him and lay him in his crib. Of course, he woke screaming but, when he entered the room Maddox was saying, "haircut, I wike ya hair". This is never a good phrase coming from Maddox. It means that he has some sort of goop, food, or slime and is rubbing it all over his head. He found the vapo-rub, got back on his bed and began scooping it out and onto his head, jammies and favorite blanket.

Bathing your child in DAWN soap is never a good thing.

He was sooo happy with himself and wanted to bounce off of the walls with excitement for what he had done and he kept repeating, " I wike ya hair mom, I wike ya hair".

Anyone looking to get on some REALLY EFFECTIVE BIRTH CONTROL? I've got what you need.


Grammie Perrine said...

I think he looks cute.. Vapo Rub must by difficult to get out of pjs, blankets, and bedding...good think you have WONDERFUL clothes soap!

Unknown said...

I blame society and the intense pressure to have a good hairstyle. I think tobacco companies target 2 year olds, because its is a slippery slope to smoking. somehow....

I think you could also have a heart to heart with Jetty, and really explain your point of view. Tell him he is acting pretty selfishly. What has he done for YOU lately? breakfast? compliments? dishes? I didn't think so. Be cool, Jetty.

Gailzee said...

Oh Aubyn! You crack me up! I am lauging and loving the Vapo-rub kid! How perfect. Lane, both my girls were just like that. Apparently you girls weren't and Monica could never believe why Hannah and Aubyn would think of such things! LOL! I am having my awesome soup you made me right now! Thanks again for coming all the way out with the boys in the frigid cold to bring me my dinner! Loved it and love you!