Friday, February 11, 2011


Maddox is doing fantastic in his bed. He doesn't get down until we come in and get him so no problem with toys or wandering into our room. He just sleeps, who knew that could happen?

We moved Jetty into the crib and the nights have been so much easier! He usually sleeps from 10-5:30 and then back down until 8:30, which is so much better than waking up two or three times a night.

On top of that, the boys are now sharing a room. Neither one of them seems to be bothered or roused when the other is crying and I just can't believe how easy this transition has been.

Maddox got sick from the other little guy I have been watching and has been feverish, coughing and wakes up crying "hurt daddy, hurt". It just breaks your heart to hear him so sad and sickly but, on the bright side, he actually cuddles me! I don't want him sick, but I really love the snuggles. We took him to the Doctor because the cough is so terrible, of course it is a virus of some sort and nothing can be done except managing symptoms. They weighed him and the kid weighs 30lbs now! Holy crap, how are my arms not totally ripped?


aubyn said...

How great! I am so glad that they can share a room. I shared a room with Hannah of course and it was fun to have a buddy.
I am sorry Maddox is sick :( There is a nasty flu going around here also, poor Hans got it from his patients. On the bright side Magg is building antibodies??

Gailzee said...

So sorry to hear your little buddy is sick. But glad to hear he's thriving! 30 pounds! You go boy! Good for Jetty to like sleepin in with his big bro! It does get easier!...

Reese said...

Easy transitions...a mother's dream! I think at this age, and probably for the next 10 years or so, it's nice to have company in a dark, quiet room at night. Once SawDog is out of his crib, we are planning to bunk the older boys' beds and have all 3 monkeys share a room! We might regret this, but ya never know until ya try, right? :)

Lindsey K said...

Lane, you make motherhood look easy!! love you guys. So sad we didn't get to meet up in Helena but next time you head this way give us a heads up so we can meet!!

Grammie Perrine said...

Picturing my darling grandsons soundly sleeping in the same room...little pals slumbering. Love you all sooooo much. Dreams!